Top Ten Christmas Songs
Christmas is that time of the year when we always play the songs we love over and over and somehow we never get sick of them.
Reasons Why I Love Christmas
Christmas is one of those times of the year where you can't but feel magical and full of festive cheer. There are many reasons why I love Christmas so I thought I would list a few of them for you.
7 Things Sabrina The Teenage Witch Taught Us
Sabrina The Teenage Witch was one of the greatest shows that I can remember from my childhood. Even at the age of 23 I own every series and love nothing more than curling up and watching them all in a marathon TV session.
Get To Know Me Tag
I have been tagged by the beautiful Jenni Belle to do the beauty blogger 'Get To Know Me Tag'. So here it is :)
Foods I Love To Eat Over Christmas
Christmas is that time of the year where all the most wonderful foods come out and we get to enjoy them without feeling guilty. It's that time of year where what we should eat goes out the window and it is very quickly and suitably replaced with what we want to eat.
7 Things Four Weddings & A Funeral Taught Us
Four Weddings & A Funeral is one of those movies that never fails to make me smile. It can always pick me up when i'm having a down day which I wrote about here.
7 Things Elizabethtown Taught Us
I'm hoping you all have but i'm sure lots of you haven't heard of the movie Elizabethtown. This movie - I feel, although I am aware of many who disagree - is a perfect little slice of heaven - it has it all and I think you should all watch it to see just what i'm talking about.
Molly Update - 1 Year On
This time one year ago - November 23rd 2014 - I brought home my little furry bundle who goes by the name of Molly.
Make-Up Revolution Ultra Face Base Foundation Review
I love trying out new foundations - I never tend to stick to the same ones over and over again as I always think there are new things out there for me to try.
This was why when I saw the Make-Up Revolution Face Base Foundation at the amazing price of £3 I thought I would pick it up and give it a go.
What's On My Bedside Table
It can always be interesting taking a look into people's lives and the little quirks they have. One of the quirkiest things about a person has to be what they keep on their bedside table.
7 Things You've Got Mail Taught Us
I love You've Got Mail in fact I have written a post about how it can always brighten up your day. With this in mind I thought it would be fun to see the 7 things that we learnt from it.
Purple Shampoo - Old Tricks Amazing Results
Having blonde hair requires a certain amount of maintenance, especially if said hair is somewhat dyed. You probably know - but then again maybe you don't - I have dyed blonde hair and the more I dye it the blonder it becomes.
8 Things I Have Learnt From Owning A Dog
Owning a dog is a strange thing. From the outset it looks quite easy and straightforward and for the most part it is but let me tell you sometimes there are aspects to owning a dog that you are never quite prepared for. In some ways it's like having a little baby covered in fur and with a tail.
The Hair Tag
Although I haven't been tagged when I saw the hair tag on the Dorkface blog - which I am totally in love with by the way and if you haven't checked it out already then you definitely need too. My hair is something I really love so I thought this would be fun to do.
Schwarzkopf Blonde Ultime Hair Dye - Review
I have been going to get my hair coloured at my local hairdressers for a number of years now - probably about 10 years. I always loved how it turned out but because I only ever dyed it 3 times a year my roots began to get worse and worse. One day I picked up a box dye - around Summer 2014 - to help save some money and I haven't looked back since.
Elegant Touch - Metallic Giraffe Fake Nails
I recently came to the conclusion that I have been wearing gel nail polish on my nails for too long and that I needed to take a break. This being said however, I am never a fan of having bare nails. I thought that it would be nice to give my nails a break - sort of - and apply some lovely fake nails.
Tuesday Chit Chat
As you can probably tell this post hasn't gone up in its usual 10am slot because there wasn't anything I felt that I wanted to put up today. I then thought that it would be quite nice to do a little chit chat post and let you know what's been going on with me recently.
The Autumn/Fall Tag
I have been tagged by Simone over at The Tales of BeautifulxImperfections to do the Autumn/Fall Tag. I have copied the questions from her blog and my answers are below.
Sanex Dermo Moisturising Shower Gel - Review
Having very dry and sometimes sensitive skin can cause difficulty when looking for shower products. I was recently looking through the Superdrug aisles for something that I could use to soften my skin and I came across the Sanex Dermo Moisturising Shower Gel.
Why I Won't Miss Summer
October is nearly here and according to Google - my trusted friend - it is officially Autumn. There is that truly amazing period where it's not cold enough to be winter and not warm enough to be Summer - this is my favourite time.
7 Things Friends Taught Us
Friends was and still is iconic. Everybody knows about it and for me there were many life lessons to be learnt throughout the 10 seasons.
Myths About Rescuing A Shelter Dog
As with everything in life, rescuing a dog from a shelter comes with many myths and people who have their reservations. Today I am going to dispel some of these myths the best I can.