There comes a point in the day when sometimes all you want is a snack that is quick and easy but is also particularly yummy.
I always have a few go to snacks in mind for just such an occasion and I thought that I would share them with you. Now don't get me wrong I love being healthy as much as the next girl but i'm not always very good at it so if you are looking for super healthy snacks this probably isn't the post for you.
1. Sesame Seed Bagel With Cream Cheese Or Green Pesto
This has to be one of my favourites, I love nothing more than a toasted bagel, especially when they are topped with sesame seeds. I then like to top it with cream cheese or green pesto. Sometimes I then eat it like this or I add some cheese, usually brie as that's what i'm into at the moment.
2. Filled Pasta/Gnocchi with Pesto
Filled pasta or gnocchi that can be boiled between 3 and 10 minutes is something that I enjoy - although not the healthiest I still find it truly delicious. I have recently discovered that when I mix in a few spoonfuls of green pesto it is truly delicious and fills a gap each and every time.
3. Toasted Crusty Bread/Roll With Avocado, Brie and Honey
Is there anything better than a slice of toasted, fresh crusty bread? No I didn't think so. I like to toast a slice of this bread, spread some mashed avocado over it, add slices of brie and top it with some honey. It truly is the most delicious snack, especially when you are in a rush.
4. Toasted & Filled Pitta Pockets
I have recently re-discovered how much I enjoy pitta pockets. I simply toast them in my toaster, cut them in half and then fill them with anything I happen to have in the fridge. Today I did one side with garlic and herb cream cheese, brie and sun dried tomatoes, topped with a little honey. The other half was the same except it had green pesto as a base instead of cream cheese.
What About You?
There we have it, four go to snacks that don't take long to prepare but are incredibly enjoyable. Have you any snacks that are your go-to's? Let me know :)