5 Strong Women In TV I Admire


5 Strong Women In TV I Admire

If you watch a fair bit of television - as I do. Then it seems pretty safe to say that we all have characters that we admire. 

Today I thought I would look at 5 female characters who I admire for their strength. They come from a wide range of shows.

1. CJ Cregg

The White House Press Secretary in The West Wing who eventually becomes White House Chief of Staff. She is simply amazing. As a women in a male dominated world she never backs down from what she believes in and always makes sure her point of view is put across. She supports everyone in ways that they don't realise and sometimes she even surprises herself with her own strength. To be as graceful and strong as CJ is would truly be an achievement.

2. Catherine Rollins

Lieutenant Rollins is Steve McGarrett's girlfriend in Hawaii Five-0. She is also a Naval Intelligence Officer. What Catherine brings to the table is incredible. She is strong physically and also mentally. Again she is able to hold her own in a male dominated world and she proves that there isn't much in life that a women cannot accomplish if they put their mind to it.

3. Kono Kalakaua

Office Kalakaua is another character from Hawaii Five-0 and boy would I never want to get on her wrong side. She is one tough cookie who can shoot better than most of the men she works with. When a sharp shooter is required it is usually Kono they call on. I love the fact that she has the perfect balance between tough fighter and the beautiful soul who is always in touch with her emotions.

4. Karen Mackenzie

Karen is one of the main characters from Knots Landing and is the only character to appear in every single episode. Through the 14 series that Knots ran for Karen went through everything. Her first husband was murdered, her daughter ran off with a murderer, she was kidnapped, stalked, threatened, involved with drug dealers and was shot - to name but a few. The one thing that I admire most about Karen is that no matter what happened to her she never stops loving. She is always full of love for those around her and will stop at nothing to help or support her friends and family. She is a truly strong women.

5. Violet Crawley - The Lady Dowager

Violet Crawley is the epitome of a strong women. She heads up the Crawley family who live in Downton Abbey and if there is a fight to be hand you can always be assured that she is at the front taking on the worst of the attacks. She stops at nothing to protect her family and the legacy that they behold and no matter how old she becomes she shows that a women can always stand up for what they believe in.

Women can be anything they want to be