I love to read, I really do but I seemed to have developed this strange habit of starting a book and not having the time - or lets be honest the concentration - to finish it.
With that in mind I thought it would be fun to list some of the books I have started over the recent years but have still not gotten around to finishing.
Paul O'Grady - Still Standing: The Savage Years
I love Paul O'Grady, I really always have. I find him funny yet his ability to tell a story can always pull at my heart strings in ways that are totally unimaginable. This is the third auto-biography in his series and I have had it since it was published in 2012. Three years later and I still haven't managed to finish this book. Not because it isn't good because it is excellent but like I said because for some reason I just haven't gotten around to it.
The Stephen Fry Chronicles
Again I love Stephen Fry - he really is a true genius. I have always been intrigued by his life so I was very excited to get his three - so far - auto-biographies for Christmas 2014. I read through the first one at a lightening speed but alas again I have hit a stumbling block on number 2. I am halfway through and my father has borrowed it to read as I haven't made any progress in six months. What am I like!
Dan Brown - Inferno
Dan Brown is simply my favourite author, plain and simple. I have read - more or less - all of his novels but again haven't managed to make my way to the end of this one. Now don't get me wrong, this one is every bit as thrilling as the rest of his novels - if not more - and I again I have simply not managed to find the time to get to the end of it. Something I really must do.
Barack Obama - Dreams From My Father
I loved Obama from the moment that I was first introduced to him on the television. He was charismatic and I was immediately intrigued by his life and what made him into the person he is today. Again as another present I was bought this book - so long ago now I can barely remember - but for some reason I can never manage to finish the book. This seems to be a pattern for me.
Are there any books you have started reading but are yet to finish?