It can always be interesting taking a look into people's lives and the little quirks they have. One of the quirkiest things about a person has to be what they keep on their bedside table.
My beside table is a lot smaller than i'm used to as when I decorated my room earlier this year I decided to up-cycle an old drawer unit I have and use this beside my bed. Mostly because it was a good height.
The Items
1. Lamp
2. Speaker - it's currently broken and I haven't gotten around to moving it
3. Assortment of nail polishes
4. Assortment of pens
5. 2 iPhone 5C cases
6. Nail buffer from Boots
7. Bonjela
8. Body Shop Shea hand cream
9. A family picture from when I was nine
10. A bag of sherbet lemons
11. My TV remote control
12. Coaster & water tumbler
The Details
I think the first thing that can be said is that my beside table certainly isn't the most tidy - it may look it in this picture but I can promise you that this is a one off, in fact knowing I had to take pictures for this post was the motivation I needed to throw out the rubbish that has been hanging around my table for months.
Next thing is, I don't have a very big bedside table at all, so I tend to keep the things that I would class as essential on it rather than having anything I can think of. I like to keep a small selection of nail polishes in case I want to paint my nails with regular polish but this doesn't happen very often as I usually have gel polish on but it's always good just in case. I keep a nail file as for me it's always important to be able to file away any rough edges so they don't snag on clothes.
Bonjela and hand cream are also essentials as I get quite painful gums from my wisdom teeth and I like to rub cream on my hands when they are sore. The shea hand cream from the Body Shop is my favourite scent - this one is nearly done so I will have to see about getting a new one soon.
For me the most important thing on my beside table - apart from my remote control obviously - is the picture of my family from our second trip to Disney World in Florida. I was only nine when it was taken and it reminds me of a simpler time when for me the world seemed a little less scary and I knew little of the shocking realities that occur on a day-to-day basis. It's nice to remember these times so I like to keep the picture close.
What things do you like to keep on your bed side table? I would love to hear :)