A Day at The Galgorm Spa...

Galgorm, Spa, Treat, Resort, Pamper, Galgorm Resort and Spa

Somedays you just have to indulge don't you? Not everyday now but there are some days where there is nothing better than spending the day doing something completely out of the norm. My usual Friday consists of getting up early, running around the house getting myself and my lunch ready, rushing out and heading to work. Well not this Friday!

Sunday Rewind

Sunset, Rewind, Relax, Sunday, Happiness, Mindfulness, Thought

There's so much going on in life these days between work, holiday planning, saving money and everything else in between. Sometimes, I think it's important to stop and rewind through the week to see how far you have come.

Highlighters - Too Much Fuss for Me!

Highlighters, fuss, trends, me, personal, beauty, opinion, make-up, options

The latest big beauty trend I keep seeing everywhere has to be highlighters.  One day out of nowhere everyone who was anyone seemed to suddenly have highlighted cheek bones that you could see from space. I'm really not sure where this trend has come from and to be honest - it's not something I really care about either!

Owning a Dog - The Guilt

dogs, pets, animals, feelings, guilt, honesty

I love dogs - this is a fact which is no surprise to anybody around me! There are currently four in my family home and I want - I would go so far as to say need - more! Owning dogs is a lifestyle choice I will say that, they kind of dictate what you do on a day-to-day basis. That being said, I wouldn't have it any other way!