There's so much going on in life these days between work, holiday planning, saving money and everything else in between. Sometimes, I think it's important to stop and rewind through the week to see how far you have come.
- Brand new week of work, the early starts are tiring but I am used to them now so up I got and headed out.
- Caught up with the girls - and guys - in the office and had lots of laughs
- Came home to sit in the sun with family and the dogs - there really is nothing better
- I took the picture above as the sun was setting over the houses where I live and it made me feel so peaceful
What to take away from Monday? Family are the perfect pick me up from any hard day in the office.
- Another day of work but I confirmed my half day on Friday which gave me something to look forward to!
- Today my mum found out she passed all her exams and got a 2:2 in her degree - bursting with pride doesn't even cover how I feel.
- On my way home from work I stopped and got her a massive bunch of flowers to say congratulations
What to take away from Tuesday? Hard work and determination can get you anywhere you want to be in life!
- Work work work work work
- I had to meet with a nurse for an Occupational Health appointment at work but everything went fine...
- After work I went round to my best friends house for tea, cake and to watch a movie. We watched Beauty and The Beast - it was magical!
What to take away from Wednesday? Disney will always hold a special place in my heart!
- I managed to get myself to the gym but it was a short session - every little counts right?
- Spent time watching Hawaii Five-O with my mum and drinking lots of tea - what could be better?
What to take away from Thursday? I need to get back on my exercise game as it will make me feel better!
- I had a half day at work and it was fairly quiet so it was a pleasant morning all round
- Came home early and then on a drive round town with my dad doing errands
- Took my mummy out for a gorgeous dinner, cocktails and lots of drinks
- Got to spend some time with my aunt and uncle catching up about life
What to take away from Friday? Food, drink and great company - life couldn't get any better!
- My Saturday was a bit of write off in the fact that I did nothing of any merit or construction
- I lay in bed watching Desperate Housewives and enjoyed every glorious section
- The hangover was awful but it was worth every single second of the night before
- Ate pizza with my mum and lay about cuddling the dogs
What to take from Saturday? Sometimes we all need a day of complete and utter laziness to reset the body clock!
The past 6 days have been good for me, I have had many tired and exhausted moments but I have also had moments of pure joy!
Celebrating my mums degree this week has made me a very happy girl and I could not be prouder of her achievements!
How has your week been?