Owning a Dog - The Guilt


dogs, pets, animals, feelings, guilt, honesty

I love dogs - this is a fact which is no surprise to anybody around me! There are currently four in my family home and I want - I would go so far as to say need - more! Owning dogs is a lifestyle choice I will say that, they kind of dictate what you do on a day-to-day basis. That being said, I wouldn't have it any other way!

With that in mind owning a pet isn't always sunshine and rainbows. It can lead to moments of complete and utter annoyance and above all else you can feel very guilty over very simple things.

1. Telling Them Off
This is the one I am worst at. I want to start by saying that telling off my dogs is something I don't do very often at all - only if it's something that is really needed! For example, Molly still gets slightly jealous about Alfie being in the house so sometimes she does growl and snap at him. Obviously I want to stop this behaviour so I tell her off - whether that's right or wrong it happens. However, the big brown eyes I get when I am telling her off pulls at my heart. I just can't help but feel so guilty that I've crushed her.

2. Not Petting Them Constantly
This one just can't be me? I don't know about your pets but Molly wants me to touch her, cuddle her, stroke her head 24/7. It can interfere with general life tasks like eating, drinking and sometimes sleeping. I have to push her away to tell her to lie down and again this pang of guilt hits me and I immediately give in a lift her up to tickle her belly and kiss her all over. Now it's obvious to everyone, including me that she has me wrapped round her paw... she knows exactly what to do to get my attention!

3. Leaving Them For Work
This one for me is something that cannot be avoided! I have to go to work and unfortunately she can't come with me, as much as I would love that! Every morning leaving those little faces at the front door actually breaks me in two - even though they spend all day with my mum, they are never alone. When I come home if she is a little off with me I am guilty beyond words - sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me!!

4. Not Sharing Food
Sharing food for me is generally a big no! I just don't like to share food with humans let alone my pets. I do get the puppy dog eyes and they do all their tricks but I stand strong and I don't share - low and behold this still makes me feel bad.

5. Moving Them Off My Seat
This one I'm not even joking about. I have seen me just sit on the floor or not move for hours cause they are sleeping in my seat or on me! I know it's the worst kind of behaviour I could have but I really am a big softie, they look so cute and I just don't have the heart!

Okay so I think it's safe to say after this that I am ever so slightly mad... but in a good way right?

Do you feel guilty about your pets?

Where would we be without them?