This time one year ago - November 23rd 2014 - I brought home my little furry bundle who goes by the name of Molly.
Where has the past year gone, it's hard to believe that we are here already - but we are. So I thought on this day of our one year anniversary I would take a moment to reflect on our year together and give you a Molly update.
Side Note - If you are looking to hear about my adoptive search and how I came to owning Molly then please read the first post I wrote.
From the moment Molly and I met we instantly became attached to each other and over the past twelve months our bond has simply become stronger and stronger. Due to my current employment circumstances we spend a lot of time together - more time than we probably should - and every second is memorable.
Over the past year we have learnt quite a bit about each other. Some of the main things I have learnt about Molly are:
1. She is the most loyal dog I have ever met -
always waiting for me if I leave the room or by my side if i'm in it.
2. She loves to eat -
she has taken on the nickname of 'Dyson' as she is always there to hoover food up
3. Toys are the greatest reward you could ever give her -
she loves to play no matter what
4. She likes to stand or balance on her back paws -
without me even asking *grins like a moron*
5. Her tail never stops wagging -
sometimes I think she is going to hurt herself it wags that fast
6. She really does love wearing clothes -
I don't usually agree with dogs wearing clothes but Molly simply loves it she cannot get enough
7. She always comes running when I call her name -
I didn't have to teach her she just comes when she hears it, so well behaved
8. Sneezing and loud breathing scare the life out of her -
every time I sneeze, even when she is sleeping she leaps up and moves away
9. She is very calm at the vets, even getting injections, ears cleaned or whatever needs done -
even the vet couldn't believe how she just sat and let her work with her no matter what needed done
10. She has so much love to give her beautiful heart could burst -
She is a happy, beautiful dog who simply wants to cuddle and keep you cosy at all times
As I type this post Molly is fast asleep, at the bottom of my bed - her favourite place to sleep. If this year has taught me anything it's that owning a dog - or a pet - is one of the greatest things that you could ever do. She makes me happy and my heart whole. Here's to many more years together with my beautiful furbaby.
Tell me about your dogs, i'd love to hear about your four legged friends.