Looking Back - What I Miss About Uni (and my 100th post)


What I Miss About Uni

First things first let me start off this post by saying - it's number 100!! Can you believe it, i've written 100 posts and somehow people keep reading and commenting - it really is amazing :) Thank-you for all the support it means so much to me.

Now on with today's post :)

Lots of people attend university but not everybody loves their experience. I however, was one of those lucky ones who truly without a shadow of a doubt loved every single second.

Recently I have been thinking back about my four fabulous years at Queen's University Belfast and I thought I would tell you all the things I miss most about it.

1. Learning New Things - 
studying makes me happy and I love broadening my mind

2. Sharing a House With Dear Friends - 
being with my friends constantly made me very happy

 3. Going Out Whenever I Fancied - 
partying as a student is totally different to partying as an adult

4. Meeting People From Different Walks of Life -
where else can you meet so many cultures in one place?

5. Structure To The Day -
I love having a structure with places to be and times to be there

6. Only having my work to worry about - 
not having major responsibility is highly under-rated

7. Working along side my friends everyday -
no better way to get things done than to work with your friends

Have you been to uni? What are your thoughts - let me know :)

Those were the best days of my life