Things Thursday #3


Things Thursday 3

Number 3 in my Things Thursday series.

Things I'm Obsessed With

1. Kitchen Scramble - It's a game and is amazing :)
2. My phone 
3. Molly & the rest of my families dogs
4. Knots Landing - 80's spin-off show of Dallas and it's incredibly good
5. Wearing the colour grey

Things I Love To Eat

1. Steak but it has to be rare
2. Cheese 
3. Caesar Salad
4. Sausages
5. Thai Food

Things I Love To Watch But Shouldn't

1. Geordie Shore
2. Big Brother
3. X Factor
4. American Pickers
5. Storage Wars

Things I Love To Wear

1. Ugg Boots
2. Leggings - patterned or plain
3. Hoodies
4. Big jumpers
5. My grey vans

Another Day Another Thing