It's Okay...


It's Okay

Today I wanted to steer my posts in a slightly different direction - apologies if this isn't your thing. 

I have lots of different people in my life - who I am blessed to know - and they come from all walks of life and all kinds of situations. Not everyone, has what they would call a 'perfect' time of it but I wanted to tell them, it's okay. 

This is for everyone who sometimes needs a pat on the shoulder and for someone to simply say it's okay.

It's okay if you want to cry

My great aunt has been telling me since I was born that "you're allowed to laugh, so you're allowed to cry". I couldn't agree more, sometimes we need to let all those feelings out and you know what - it's okay.

It's okay if you want to be alone

There are times when you might want to be alone to read a book, have a cuppa or just sit in silence. These moments alone allow us to gather our thoughts and re-evaluate the situation, it can be hard to do that otherwise. It doesn't mean anything bad you just wanna be alone and it's okay.

It's okay if you have a bad day

We all have bad days and that's what makes us normal. Nobody is perfect and it's impossible to keep up a pretense like we are. Sometimes we all have a day where we just curl up with a blanket and forget the day ever happened and you know what it's okay.

It's okay if you want to talk through your problems

Confiding in someone does not make you weak and it doesn't mean you can't cope it just means you want to get all your ideas out of your head so you can feel they are formed properly. There is nothing wrong with talking through everything, we all need a friendly chat every now and then and it's okay.

It's okay if things don't go to plan sometimes

Sometimes things don't work out or things don't happen the way you expected them to. This doesn't mean that they never will it just means these things weren't mean to happen at that time. Life has a funny way of working things out to make you stronger and it's okay.

It's Okay..

From me to all of you, I hope that what you have gathered from this post is that nobody and nothing is perfect, in fact there is no such thing as perfect as I have written about before. We all have those days where we just need to take a step back and have a rethink and yes you've guessed it - it's okay.

Sometimes it really is okay