Things Thursday #2


Things Thursday #2

Post number 2 in my Things Thursday series.

Things That Scare Me

1. Heights and falling from a height
2. Dying
3. Being a failure and not achieving everything I want
4. Not finding love & happiness with someone
5. Something happening to my family/friends/pets

Things I Love About Molly

1. Her unconditional love & protection of me
2. How soft her fur is - especially her ears
3. Her ability to know when i'm down or sick and I need a quiet pick me up
4. How she knows what I mean when I say "Do you need out?"
5. How excited she gets when she sees her toys - she leaps around with a smile on her face, literally!

Things You May Not Know About Me

1. My favourite song as a baby was Master of Puppets by Metallica - I still love it to this day
2. I always did and still do think Richard Attenborough is the real Santa
3. I have no desire to be a mother
4. I can't sleep without my television on
5. I have wanted to own a Rottweiler since I was very small

Things Only Glasses Wearers Will Understand

1. Glasses should come with windscreen wipers
2. Sometimes it's easier not to wear sunglasses
3. 3D movies will never look right through two pairs of glasses
4. Hot Days + Glasses = Very sweaty face
5. Eventually the case will disappear and never be found again

Some things are better on a weekly basis - like these lists