Ibiza Honey Tan - My Verdict


Ibiza Honey Tan

I don't know about you but I love trying new products - especially beauty products - and giving my verdict on them. Something I am always picking up and trying out is fake tan. I don't know why but I just love finding out which fake tans work the best. I recently therefore, decided to pick up a new one when I was out and about and I wanted to tell you all about it.

Usually my 'go to' fake tan is the St Moriz tanning lotion in medium. I have always gotten on well with it over the years and have tried the various formulas from mousse to lotion - I have decided that I prefer the lotion over all the formulations. As I have said however, I am a sucker for trying out new products - I really cannot help myself - so I picked up the Ibiza Honey tanning mousse in dark.

Normally I pick up medium shades but I always put on multiple coats to get a darker, longer lasting tan, which is why this time around I decided to go for a dark tanning mousse. I prefer lotions but this was only available in a mousse so a mousse is what I got.

Ibiza Honey Pump & Lid

Packaging & Application

With regards to packaging this tan comes in a 200ml bottle and the dark shade has a dark grey almost black lid. The greatest part of the packaging is that it comes with a pump. Pretty standard I hear you say but trust me the lotions never have a pump and I always find that I end up putting the tan everywhere but on me when i'm trying to put it on the mitt. 

When it comes to the application of the tan I found that it was very easy to apply and didn't cause any streaks - always a plus. It dried to touch quite quickly which was good as it meant I didn't have to stand around with very little clothing on - cause that's never too fun!


I decided to apply my tan and let it develop over night whilst I was asleep in bed - maybe not the best idea as the underside of my pillows and duvet are white! Initially this product doesn't have an overly strong 'biscuit' scent. I do have to say however, that when I woke up in the morning there was an overwhelming smell of fake tan - this did disappear once I had a shower I must add so I strongly advise washing off the top layer of tan so you are left with a golden colour and no strong scent.

Ibiza Honey Tan Colour


Overall I have to say that I have really enjoyed using this product. The simplicity of the application really impressed me. Lots of tans require lots of rubbing in order to get an even look but this particular one did not which was great.  Once I had a shower my tan looked beautifully golden and even - it makes me feel very healthy towards the end of the summer months.

What About You?

Are there any tans that you recommend? Let me know so I can try them too :)

Who needs the sun for a tan :)