Why I Won't Miss Summer


Why I Won't Miss Summer

October is nearly here and according to Google - my trusted friend - it is officially Autumn. There is that truly amazing period where it's not cold enough to be winter and not warm enough to be Summer - this is my favourite time.

There are many reasons why I prefer the colder months to Summer - here is my round up of the main reasons why I won't miss Summer.

1. Guilt About Not Wearing Summer Colours

I don't own many clothes that aren't grey or black. For this reason I always feel guilty in the Summer as society - whoever they are - declares we should be in lighter coloured clothing. I prefer cosy jumpers and winter colours - now I can wear them with pride again.

2. You Can't Wear Woollen Hats In Sunshine

I love wearing woollen hats - especially the ones that my mummy makes for me - and I have a relatively large collection of varying colours. Hot sunny days however, are not conducive to woollen hats - who wants to sweat the bit out under a hat in the sunshine? Cold weather means it is perfectly acceptable to wear woollen hats.

3. It Won't Be Forever Until Christmas 

Do I even need to explain this one? The festive season has to be my favourite - reasons why I love Christmas will be coming in a post - it just makes me feel warm inside and thoroughly happy.  The thought is making me giddy.

4. Being Too Warm

Being too warm is one of my pet hates in life!! Once I'm warm I just cannot get cooled down and being in a warm environment does not help this is situation at all!! I cannot wait until there is cool crisp air outside to help keep my temperature down.

5. Guilt About Spending Time Indoors

Sometimes all I want to do is spend time indoors binge watching tv - my current obsession is Orange Is The New Black. When the weather is especially nice - not that we get a lot of nice weather in Northern Ireland - I always  feel that I should be outside enjoying the weather or making plans to go places but sometimes all I want to do is curl up with Molly and binge watch tv.

6. Wasps & Bugs In General

This has to be the biggest thing I won't miss about Summer!!! Wasps are vicious and they scare me. The thought of being stung by them is too much to handle. This is why I am always happy to see the winter coming so that they die out and I don't have to be on guard all the time.


Do you love the winter months? Are there any reasons you won't miss Summer? Let me know :)

Bye Bye Summer - Hello Winter