Clutter, it can be clutter in the physical sense of the word or clutter in the mind. Either way, there comes a time in everybody's life where they need to take a step back and declutter.
Don't worry I know what you're thinking - it's not as scary as it sounds - just a few simple steps that we can take to help us reboot - gotta love a techy term being thrown in.
#1. Take A Step Back
The first thing that I can advise is take a step back from the situation. Whether that's with a cup of tea or doing something completely different like lunch with a friend. You need time to re-evaluate your thoughts and fresh surroundings are always a good way to ensure that.
#2. Tidy Up Your Space
Whether you have your own home or simply just a bedroom in your parents house be sure to tidy up your space and remove any items that are over crowding you. It can be really therapeutic to tidy and throw away the things you don't need and be left with a fresh clean space that you can think more clearly in.
#3. Open A Window
Not enough can be said for fresh air. Open a window and get the fresh air circulating around your room. It will bring a renewed vitality to your space and will allow you to get through your tasks and what needs done.
#4. Organise Your Workload and Don't Take More On
If the main cause of 'clutter overload' in your life is the amount of work that you have taken on then try to avoid taking on anymore. There is only so much that you can handle and it's okay to admit that - it doesn't make you any less of a person. Just make sure to organise what you already have take a deep breath and work through everything steadily.
#5. Find Something You Enjoy Doing Outside Of Work
What's the old saying - all work and no fun makes Jack a dull boy. This saying is very much true, if all we do is work and we have no way to have some fun and declutter the stress then it all builds up on top of us. It is very important to find something you enjoy doing whether it be exercise or simply a weekly meal with a friend just always make time for yourself.
Your Tips
What tips do you have for decluttering your life and removing some of the stress that the 21st century can bring on - let me know.