7 Things Friends Taught Us


Friends Boxset

Friends was and still is iconic. Everybody knows about it and for me there were many life lessons to be learnt throughout the 10 seasons. 

7 Things Friends Taught Us

1. Some people don't share food and that's totally acceptable

2. It's all about enjoying the little things in life

3. We should always make time to sit down, catch up and drink coffee

4. Proposing isn't just for the men - women can get in on the act too

5. Always try to define if you are broken up or on a break - there is a clear difference

6. Being grown up isn't all scary - it can be fun too

7. There is no situation that cannot be fixed by having great friends

Your Lessons?

I'd love to know what Friends taught you, let me know below :)

I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment? - Chandler Bing