I know I have been MIA from my blog - on and off - for a while now and I have to aplogise for that. There has been lots going on with me so I thought that it would be a good idea to catch you all up on what's been going on.
First things first. I passed my driving test!! It has taken me so long to get around to doing this but I finally did it. My friends have been gently - or sometimes not so gently - reminding me of the importance of taking lessons and getting my test for years but I have finally done it. I am still getting over the initial fear of oh my god I am in a car by myself - nobody is here to assist - but I am loving every second of my new found freedom.
What else has been going on then? Well I have been applying for jobs and attending assessment centres. Let me tell you, job applications can really tax the brain and it feels that when you get it sent in you really have achieved something. I don't know how that is possible cause surely getting the role should be the achievement and not the application but in actual fact they can be a lot more complicated than people realise. I will keep you all updated on what happens and hopefully soon somebody will want to employ me - I feel like i'm rather employable lets hope someone else does.
As you may have seen from my Elegant Touch post I have been really into wearing fake nails recently and my obsession is still going. Although I did encounter a problem with a pair that the patterned tips wore off after only a couple of days. I hasten to add that I tweeted a complaint to the company and they were excellent in helping. They sent me out a replacement pair of nails as a gift completely free of charge. I am going to be writing a full review of this company - not sponsored - soon as I was so impressed with how they worked to resolve the issue that I was having.
One of the main reasons that I haven't been posting as much as usual is the simple fact that I have been totally lacking in inspiration. My brain has had a total meltdown over the past few weeks and none of the ideas that come to my mind - if there are any that is - don't feel good enough or like something I would get behind writing. I am hoping now that I have managed to relieve a little of the stress I had going on by passing my driving test that my brain will kick start itself and start being more creative again.
Lastly - I want to thank all of the people who read my blog. It means more than words could ever express. The fact that anyone takes time out of their day to read the words that I randomly type out is in so many ways incomprehensible to me and it means so much. Your support and your comments are truly inspiring so thank-you for everything.
How have you all been? Any tips for finding your inspiration?