Tuesday Chit Chat


Chit Chat

As you can probably tell this post hasn't gone up in its usual 10am slot because there wasn't anything I felt that I wanted to put up today. I then thought that it would be quite nice to do a little chit chat post and let you know what's been going on with me recently.



Am I the only person who is always tired? It seems no matter how much I sleep or rest I just constantly feel exhausted - it's really beginning to get annoying. I am always finding myself wanting to have a nap and that's hindering on my blogging inspiration - i've kind of hit a small wall.


My posts haven't been going up as often over the past few weeks as i've simply been enjoying myself. I've been indulging in a few too many beverages and you know what - that's okay. Everybody has to take a step back in life sometimes to see more clearly the direction they want to be heading. I have also been indulging in all things Muppets by re-watching lots of their old movies - a post on which will be coming soon.


I recently tried out a new hair dye which I have never tried before - a post of which will be coming soon. I usually stick to the same ones I have been using since I started box dying my own hair but I thought I would branch out and try something new and I loved the results.

Future Planning

I have been taking time to concentrate on my future and what way I want it to take shape. I have been looking for employment in my chosen area and applying. Applications take a lot of time and effort but all of it will pay off in the end if you work hard enough.


Over the past while I have been taking time to think about the things that have happened in my life and that could happen because of very circumstances or situations. It's good to think everything through sometimes. However, it can also be good to just wing it.


I can't very well update you on my life without updating you on Molly's now can I :)


Little Miss Molly is having a wonderful life. She is as attached to me as she ever has been and has to make sure she is either stuck to me like glue at all times or somewhere she can see me. As I write this post I am sitting at the kitchen table and she is not even two feet away watching me from a chair - very intently might I add. We think her need to be with someone at all times comes from her lack of peripheral vision. She can't see very well until something is right in front of her so she likes to make sure that's where the person is at all times.

Bath Time

Last night I gave both Molly and Bentley a bath and I am still using the same shampoo that I bought when I first got Molly - a review of which can be read here. Both furbabies are now soft and silky. Molly doesn't really mind having a bath - she just finds it an inconvenience more than anything else. Bentley on the other hand is a whole different story. He tends to find lots of little noises quite scary so being in the bath wasn't the most enjoyable for him but we made it through.


What have you been at this week? Any tips for writers block?