8 Things I Have Learnt From Owning A Dog


Molly On The Beach

Owning a dog is a strange thing. From the outset it looks quite easy and straightforward and for the most part it is but let me tell you sometimes there are aspects to owning a dog that you are never quite prepared for. In some ways it's like having a little baby covered in fur and with a tail.

With that in mind here are 8 things i've learnt from owning a dog.

1. Your life becomes part of a routine - dogs need a routine it helps them settle in life and whether you want it to happen or not your life will become almost dictated by their routine.

2. It can be a guessing game figuring out what your dog wants from you - sometimes I just don't know what Molly wants. She can be unsettled at every noise and I have no idea why whereas other times she snores through everything - confusing.

3. The welcome home greeting never gets old - whether i've been out of the house for 10 minutes or 10 hours I always get the same response from Molly - leaping, tail wagging, massive grins and just utter joy. This is something for me that never gets old.

4. You can't be selfish when you have a pet - the main thing I have learnt from having a dog is that you can't be selfish. They need you for everything in their life and all they want to do is make you happy. You have to give back as much to your dog as you receive.

5. The love from a dog is unlike anything else in the world - unconditional love is a tricky concept and something that isn't that easy to come by. Yes our family love us unconditionally - or at least I hope they do - but if we really think about it sometimes we all fall out and life isn't so rosy. Now think of your pet, no matter the time of day or what happens your dog loves you with everything they have to offer. No matter what Molly would give her life for me and that is something I don't think I can ever truly comprehend properly.

6. Its impossible not to develop a dog specific voice - I defy any true dog owner - or pet owner for that matter - to deny that they have a specific voice for conversing with their animal - and yes we have full blown conversations. It's something we do without thinking, whether it be going higher, lower, talking in riddles - something changes and you know what i'm fine with that!

7. There are many life lessons we humans can learn from our canine buddies - dogs are amazing. They don't hold grudges they move on, they are accepting even when they have been treated abominably - which I will never get over - they see that life is for living, the simple things are most important.. really you see my point. If we could all take a step back and learn from our four legged friends the world might be a better place.

8. Protecting you is their number 1 priority in life - Molly has clearly shown me that her main priority in life - apart from eating - is to protect me. Whether it be someone walking past the house or a dog barking on the TV she is always alert and ready to leap to my defence. It's something I will never stop feeling blessed for. They ask for nothing in return but would lay down their life - now that is truly remarkable don't you think!

Where would I be without my furbaby