Things Thursday #7


Things Thursday #7

Number 7 in my Things Thursday series.

Things That Made Me Happy This Week

1. Coffee with special friends and surprise catch ups
2. Hay Day
3. Malteasers - i've eaten far too many it's not even funny
4. Colder weather coming in
5. Comments on my blog and fellow bloggers

Things (Movies/Series/DVDs) I've Watched This Week

1. Fool's Gold
2. Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
3. 2 Guns
4. Some Like It Hot
5. Michael McIntyre Live At Wembley

Things Molly Did This Week That Are Adorable

1. Snuggled into my neck when I was sick
2. Came to pick me up with my dad after a horrible day
3. Fell asleep in my arms keeping me warm
4. Kept my side of the bed warm when I left the room
5. Fell asleep wrapped up in my teddy bear blanket

Things I Ask Myself Regularly

1.Will I ever not feel tired
2. Will I ever find a job 
3. Will I ever find true love
4. Will I ever have my own house
5. When can I adopt another dog