

Last week something extraordinary happened a blogger that I have come to admire - Jemma over at Dorkface - created a unique group to spread the love throughout this unique community.

#girlgang has been created for anyone to join in order to provide support and love for each other. This is something that I admire Jemma for. As we are all aware the internet is a powerful tool and with that inevitably comes a fair amount of hate. Innocent people sharing simple thoughts are being belittled and made to feel like they are in the wrong for having the right to freedom of speech. 

This is where Jemma comes in. She has taken a stand, she wants to create a safe, positive place for the blogging community to share their thoughts and how they feel knowing that they will be supported and loved no matter what. She is taking time out of her incredibly busy schedule to create buttons, newsletters, work on awards and above all else, support every single person who registers to be apart of her gang. How amazing is that - takes somebody special to be that amazing for no real reason.

I immediately wanted to be a part of #girlgang and I am so honoured that I can be. I am proud to share the badge on my blog and what I find even more amazing is that there is going to be a place where I can find support when i'm having a day that isn't going just as well as usual.

I urge each and every one of you who read this to stop for a moment and take a look at Jemma's blog and if you feel as overjoyed with her simple idea as I am then please join her gang. She has put up a beautiful post explaining everything you need to know about the idea and how to get involved. 

I really cannot portray to you how excited this idea makes me - I applaud Jemma and I always will for standing up and saying it's time to be positive and support those around you - that will always create a better world than pursuing a negative avenue.

#girlgang all the way

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