Number 14 in my Things Thursday series.
Things (New) That I Like To Eat
1. Cheeto's Twisted Flamin' Hot Crisps
2. Terry's Chocolate Orange Bars
3. Manchengo Cheese
4. Iced Minced Pies
5. Avocado
Things I Am Looking Forward To
1. A Christmas night out with my friends
2. Seeing my mums face when she opens some of her presents
3. My Christmas dinner
4. Hearing Christmas songs played in clubs and bars
5. Watching Polar Express with my mum on Christmas Eve
Things That Earn My Respect
1. Loyalty
2. Honesty
3. Trust
4. Humility
5. Graciousness
Things I Would Like To Do In 2016
1. Become employed
2. Get a tattoo
3. Re-invent my blog
4. Start putting money away to get my own place
5. Start exercising properly
Tell me about things that make your life turn :)