Thursday Things #12

Things Thursday #12

Number 12 in my Things Thursday series. 

Things (Vloggers) I'm Obsessed With Currently

1. Roman Atwood
2. Lily Pebbles
3. Shaanxo
4. Steve Booker
5. Fleur De Force

Things To Do To Make Someone's Day

1. Smile at people
2. Say please & thank-you
3. Compliment them when they least expect it
4. Give someone a hug
5. Offer to listen to someone when they need it most

Things That Annoy Me About My Naturally Straight Hair

1. Curls very rarely stay in it
2. I have to use lots of product when I curl it and it becomes knotted
3. It can feel very heavy on top of my head in a ponytail
4. It gets greasy very very quickly
5. It can become static very easily

Things That Make Me Happy About Christmas

1. The food
2. The fairy lights
3. The Christmas music
4. The Christmas movies
5. Buying gifts for other people 

Are you still enjoying my Thursday Things series? Tell me some things about your week that you are loving/hating :)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas


  1. I really like that you've included things to do to make someone's day. I think I'm going to try and smile at people more. My face is naturally grumpy so I tend to keep my head down haha! x

    Moany Mouse | Scottish Lifestyle Blog

    1. Awh thank-you :) I love it when someone smiles at me it makes me happy :D My face is naturally grumpy too so people think i'm cross with them even when i'm not lol. :) x

  2. I don't have naturally straight hair... Just this wavy mess, but I still understand the dilemma! I can't curl or straighten my hair successfully!

    TheDonkeyInvasion - A Bookish Blog!

    1. I'm so glad you understand the dilemma - it can be so annoying when your hair just won't co-operate at all! Thank-you for your comment :) x

  3. I'm so glad you understand the dilemma - it can be so annoying when your hair just won't co-operate at all! Thank-you for your comment :) x

  4. Awh thank-you :) I love it when someone smiles at me it makes me happy :D My face is naturally grumpy too so people think i'm cross with them even when i'm not lol. :) x
