Before I headed off on my Disney adventure this summer I popped a post up on the blog about the rides that I hoped to do in Magic Kingdom when I got there - read it here. I thought it would be good to look back at it and see what I actually went on compared to what I wanted to originally.
Blogtober #30 - October Review
As tomorrow will be a traditional Disney Wednesday post I thought I would use today to have a little look back at October and how it's gone. Kind of like a little month review. This is the first month in a long time I have been consistent with my blogging and I haven't given in so it seems fitting to take a look back over how October has been!
Blogtober #29 - My Make-Up Fails - Revisited
Over three years ago I wrote a post about 'My Make-Up & Beauty Fails' and I thought it would be fun to revisit the post today and see if I have managed to make any improvements on the things that I used to be so bad at!
Blogtober #28 - Simple Micellar Facial Gel Wash
So it seems that I appear to have been writing a bit of a skincare series on Simple, without even realising it. I have recently popped up a post about the Simple Day Cream and the Simple Night Cream. The next product that I want to tell you all about is their Micellar Facial Gel Wash.
Blogtober #27 - Saturday Rituals
Saturday's are wonderful, or at least I think they are. There is something lovely about them as I don't have to rush around in the dark to get ready for work and I can take things nice and slowly. I seem to have developed a few Saturday rituals and I thought I would share them.
Blogtober #26 - Kiko Unforgettable Mascara
Quite a few months ago when I was doing some shopping in Belfast I came across the Kiko store. I had been told by my manager at work that I needed to try their mascara and if I found myself in their store then I needed to pick one up. So this is what I did!
Blogtober #25 - The October Blog Tag
I was recently scrolling through my Bloglovin' feed when I came across the October Blog Tag on the beautiful Jemma's blog Dorkface. She said at the end she would love to see the rest of us fill it in so I thought it would make the perfect Blogtober post.
Disney Series #9 - My Fast Pass Tips
When you book a Walt Disney World trip the first thing that you will be thinking about after accommodation and flights are your fast passes. I have already put together a fast past fact list which you can read here. This is going to be my tips and tricks that I gathered from my last visit in August.
Blogtober #23 - Catch Up Time
It's been a while since I just sat down and had a little catch up with you - although I feel like I am always saying that. Anyway, we have made it to day 23 of Blogtober, how I have made it this far I will never know but we have and this year I am determined to keep going, I really don't want to give up now.
Blogtober #21 - Simple Vital Vitamin Night Cream
So not only am I using the Simple Day Cream for all my day needs but I decided that it would be very sensible - not something I refer to myself as often - to match it up with the night cream! I picked myself up the Simple Vital Vitamin Night Cream I have been using it for a few months now so this makes it the perfect time to let you know what I think.
Blogtober #20 - Bleach London Smoky Shampoo
As I mentioned in my Thing's I'm Currently Loving post I changed my hair to an icy mauve colour in September - I need to get it redone soon. Hair maintenance is a huge thing for me so that I can maintain the gorgeous colours my hairdresser does for me and that means lots of different shampoos. For my new purple look my hairdresser recommended Bleach London Smoky Shampoo.
Blogtober #19 - Seeing Yourself Through Someone Else's Eyes
Today a thought went through my head and I had the idea that it could make a good post. I want to warn you now that this is going to be a wordy life thought post so if that isn't the kind of thing you like to read them come back tomorrow for another kind of post.
Blogtober #18 - NYX Butter Gloss
When I was picking up the NYX Lip Lingerie Liquid Lipstick I also noticed their range of butter glosses. Now I have been told my colleagues at work that I should pick these up to try them as they are amazing. I always shied away as I am usually not a lip gloss fan anymore - much prefer a matte lip. However, I thought when on holiday lets give things a go, so that's exactly what I did.
Disney Series #8 - Magic Kingdom is Magic - Part 2!
Welcome back to part 2 of the Magic Kingdom is magic posts - have you seen part one here?
We left off last time when we had just eaten at Colombia Harbour House so I will take you through the rest of the Magic Kingdom adventures we had!
Blogtober #16 - NYC Bucket List Vs The Reality
So this is rather strange isn't it, talking about New York City even though it's been over a year since I went. On a side note, how has it been over a year since I was there, it feels like a dream - I think it's about time I figured out when I can go back! Back to this post however, I thought it would be fun to compare the bucket list I wrote before I went to what I actually did when I was there.
Blogtober #15 - Simple Kind to Skin Protecting Light Moisturiser - My Thoughts!
When it comes to my daily moisturiser I am not very loyal except for the fact that I need to apply it every morning after I have washed may face. I had been using the L'Oreal Hydra Genius Moisturiser and went through two bottles in fact. When it ran out I decided that I needed to try something else and I picked up the Simple Kind to Skin Protecting Light Moisturiser.
Blogtober #14 - Sunday Gratitudes No.2
I enjoyed writing about my Sunday Gratitudes so much last week that I thought I would do the same this week. There is something so lovely about looking back at the positives in the week. We can all get bogged down with the negatives and that's just not generally good for our mental health!
Blogtober #13 - NYX Lip Lingerie Liquid Lipstick
Time for another beauty post - I know what is going on, none for ages and then they become a regular thing! Today is another product I picked up in USA but I could have gotten right here at home. Before we get into this post have you seen my last beauty post? Now we've gone over that lets look at the NYX Lip Lingerie Liquid Lipstick
Blogtober #12 - The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade!
Welcome to part 2 of my thoughts on The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - read part one here. This part will cover Hogsmeade, the second part of the Harry Potter universe at Universal Orlando.
Blogtober #11 - Updated Facts About Me
There is something about fact posts that I really love doing. I think it's great to get to know the people behind the blogs you read. It's been a while since I popped a fact post up here . I thought that it would be fun to go through the last long fact post I did and compare what I said then to now and see if anything has changed! You can read that post here.
Disney Series #7 - 5 Things You Feel At Disney World
What is it about Disney, it just fills you with so many feelings and that's not always being in the parks that can be simply watching a Disney movie or looking at a Disney plush toy. The world of Disney and Disney lovers just go through so many feelings.
Blogtober #9 - Wet & Wild Photofocus Face Primer
Continuing on with the theme of products I purchased when I was in Florida - see previous posts here, here, here or here. Todays product is going to be the Wet N Wild Photofocus Face Primer.
Blogtober #8 - Being A Dog Mummy - The Negatives
I love being a dog mummy. I think you all know that about me by now, it really is one of life's truest gifts. It isn't always sunshine and rainbows though. I think it's important to see the balance in everything in life and sometimes we forget that with something as amazing as being the mummy to a gorgeous four legged friend and all the positives that brings, there can be some negatives.
Blogtober #7 - 5 Sunday Gratitudes
These days I don't think we take enough time to look back at the things that we are thankful for. We spend so much time rushing around, going about our daily lives but do we ever take a moment to think back over the last week about what brought us the most joy?
Blogtober #6 - Covergirl TruBlend Foundation - First Impressions!
So it seems that I am quite the sucker for foundations. This is the second foundation post I have put up in a week about a product I picked up when I was in Florida. Last week I was talking about the Milani foundation. This week it's the Covergirl TruBlend foundation.
Blogtober #5 - The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Diagon Alley!
I know I have been doing lots of Disney posts but I didn't feel like this would fit in there so I decided to pop it up during Blogtober!
Blogtober #4 - Autumn & Winter Bucket List
This year I made the decision to not make a 2018 goals list and I think it has been quite freeing actually as I haven't felt like I have had to stick to any kind of set lists. As fun as it has been I thought it would be fun to think of a few things that I could put on a potential 'bucket list' for the Autumn & Winter months.
Blogtober #2 - Covergirl Peacock Flare Mascara - Review
It's time to take a look at another item that I brought back from the USA - I hope you have already seen the foundation and eyeliner posts I have put up over the past few weeks. This time we are looking at the Covergirl Peacock Flare Waterproof Mascara.
Blogtober #1 - Why I Love Autumn - Take 2!
Well here's a surprise, I am giving this 'Blogtober' thing a go - it even surprises me! I thought for the first post of this new series I would revisit an old post that I have written and redo it.