I enjoyed writing about my Sunday Gratitudes so much last week that I thought I would do the same this week. There is something so lovely about looking back at the positives in the week. We can all get bogged down with the negatives and that's just not generally good for our mental health!
What are the positives from this past week then?
Lunch Dates
Sometimes the people we work with are just that, people we work with. However, there are some instances where it becomes much more than that. You can connect with people on a more personal level and cultivate friendships which are destined to last a lifetime. This has happened to me recently and I had a beautiful lunch date with a beautiful soul I met through work. I laughed more than I even thought was possible and overall remembered how one person can make the world a better place.
My Molly could really be in every single gratitude as she is the biggest positive in my life but this week she has reminded me how loyal she is. She is literally everywhere I go. If I go to have a shower and close the door she waits outside for me. She is by the backdoor when I am coming home from work. She protects me and makes me feel like such a loved happy person!
Future Plans
This week I have been trying to get myself organised to book flights over to Birmingham to see my best friend from Uni - which reminds me I still need to book them. Even though they aren't booked yet it still makes me happy that I have something fun to look forward to. I cannot wait for the catch up and giggles!
I have such a love/hate thing with Instagram but recently I have been loving the platform. I have finally found my rhythm and I am loving just posting whatever I want, whether that be in a theme or not. It has made me love creating content and that's the most important thing.
Confidence at Work
This week I have been on two different courses at work and I finally feel like I should be there as I am not too bad at what I do. I always have this feeling within myself that I am just coasting along and I'm not particularly good at my job but something has finally hit me this week that yes, yes I am and I just need to own it!
These are my gratitudes for this week.
What have some of yours been?