I decided not to do a Sunday Gratitudes this week as I didn't want it to become too repetitive - although have you seen the first and second? Instead of that I thought I would do a Monday Musings post and kick off your Monday and your week with a thought.
Something that has been on my mind recently which is quite evident by a post I put up last week - which you can read here - is about self care and learning to love yourself. I am not sure where these thoughts have come from really but I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with learning to become myself again over the past few years.
Incase you didn't know about four years ago I ended a four year relationship with someone who I probably shouldn't have ever been with. It wasn't that they weren't a good person, because they are, it's more that they weren't good for me. I was only discovering myself and I allowed the unique parts of myself to be moulded into something else. It took a long time for the rose tinted spectacles to come off and for me to realise that it wasn't healthy for me.
On a totally side note to the above paragraph, I don't regret my relationship or anything that happened with that person. It helped make me stronger and helped make me a better person. I hope they have found their happy place in the world and someone to make them feel whole!
After my relationship I had to learn how to be on my own again and to love me for who I was. It took a while and it's something that is ongoing but I try to be the strongest version of myself. I have grown to realise that I can be and do whatever the hell I want. Nothing can hold me back and nobody can speak to me in a manner that I don't want them to. Have an opinion and present it in a structured form but come at me with abuse and I will not let you away with it.
The biggest thing I have learnt is that I do not need someone to make me whole or make me happy. I do believe that the key to a happy relationship is loving yourself, all of yourself before you can ever learn to love someone else. If you don't love and respect who you are then there is no hope for your partner.
It's not easy but just learn to accept the things about yourself that you cannot change. For example, I am a bit strange and I don't see things like everyone else but you know what? That's okay! In fact that's amazing! We should all see things in a slightly different way, that's where all this creativity and content comes from. The things you think are weird, are not weird to someone else.
To sum up, before I ramble on any longer, is that, you are you for a reason. You have eccentricities and quirks and that's amazing! Be true to who you are and never let anyone tell you that the person you are is not enough. When you put a stop to that then you are beginning to love who you are and one day you will wake up and own the world.