Blogtober #27 - Saturday Rituals


Molly, Dog, Pet, Lifestyle, Saturday, Rituals, Love, Personal, Happiness, Self love, Self Care, Mindfullness

Saturday's are wonderful, or at least I think they are. There is something lovely about them as I don't have to rush around in the dark to get ready for work and I can take things nice and slowly. I seem to have developed a few Saturday rituals and I thought I would share them.

1. Make a Pot of Coffee
This is one of those things that I must do every Saturday morning now. I love coming down the stairs in my jammies and putting the coffee maker on - filter coffee maker - and filling the kitchen with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I then find one of the biggest mugs I have - usually my fast and furious mug or my NYC one these days - and pour myself a huge mug to go and sit at my computer for a few hours.

2. Go To the Gym 
This is a ritual which I haven't been able to do in quite a long time - probably since May - due to the issues I was having with my toe and I could barely walk never mind go to the gym. Before that however, I used to get up, ready and head to the gym for 9:30am - sometimes 10 - to meet my best friend and get a work out in. I have really missed not being able to do this.

3. Take a Long Pampering Shower
I have plenty of time on Saturday's - usually - and I love to take my time in the shower and give myself a proper pamper. Do a face mask, exfoliate my skin and just take the time to enjoy the products that I am using. Showers are usually just quick, so that I can get myself to bed early during the week but on Saturday's it's all about relaxing and taking my time.

4. Visit Family/See Friends
These are two things that I love to do at the weekend. I am usually visiting my Great Auntie on Saturday afternoons but there are times when I head to see my Granny also. It's important to spend time with the older people in your life as they won't always be there and you will regret not making the time to carve out memories with them. If I'm not seeing family and sometimes even if I am, I love meeting my best friend for a coffee and a catch up. We both lead busy working lives so we love sitting putting the world to rights on a Saturday afternoon.

5. Watch Strictly Come Dancing & X Factor
If I'm not heading out anywhere - which if we are honest never happens - then I love nothing more than cosying up on the sofa and putting on Strictly Come Dancing, followed by the X Factor. Granted this is very much of an Autumn/Winter ritual but during the months when this show isn't on I tend to put a movie on and watch it on a Saturday evening.

6. Have A Big Ole G&T
I work hard all week and I love to sit down on a Saturday night with a lovely big gin and tonic, plenty of ice and lots of lime slices. I don't have to have many but a few drinks at the weekend always help me unwind and relax. Just what I need.

7. Visit the Supermarket
I know this sounds like a strange ritual to have but it is something I tend to do every Saturday and I quite enjoy it. I usually potter around Asda by myself and pick bits and pieces up for my lunches at work. I also look through the clothes/homeware sections - which is dangerous - and pick up some Sunday lunch items for my mum to pop in the freezer. 

8. Buy My Mum A Bunch Of Flowers
This has become something that I now love to do every Saturday as I love the big smile it brings to her face. They don't have to be expensive and are usually just from Asda but she loves that I go out of my way to do it and it's my way of reminding her that she is special!

These are the 8 rituals that I am nearly always doing on Saturday's. It just doesn't feel like a Saturday if I haven't done most if not all of these.

Are there any rituals that you love to do on a Saturday?

PS. I know the photo has nothing to do with the post but I love Molly - as we all know - and I was rather proud of how this photo turned out so wanted to share it!

Saturday's are for some time for me, myself and I...