As tomorrow will be a traditional Disney Wednesday post I thought I would use today to have a little look back at October and how it's gone. Kind of like a little month review. This is the first month in a long time I have been consistent with my blogging and I haven't given in so it seems fitting to take a look back over how October has been!
So how has the past month been I hear you ask? Well it's been quite tough at times. There are times when I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to the end of Blogtober but I have decided that I think I am going to do a full post on blogging every day in October and how I feel about it looking back.
I definitely think that it was a mental challenge as I am not a very organised blogger and that is something that suits me. I tend to write the post the day before it's due - as I am doing now - and that's how I like it. I rarely have lots of posts planned in advance so it became quite hard to fit all the writing in around how tired I was already.
That being said I feel like I had a determination this month that I haven't seen in myself for a long time. I knew I didn't want to give up and I haven't. On November first there will have been 31 consecutive posts on my blog - I am very proud!
So what else has been going on this month? Well I have a bit of a catch up with you all for my 23rd post of the month - which you can read here - not much has changed from that post. I am still wrecked but that's just life now, not sure I know how to feel any other way. I have been consuming far too much gin at the weekends - but to be honest I really don't care - and I have finally booked back in to see the hairdresser in November!
I cannot believe how fast this month has passed, it really does feel like yesterday it had just started and now we are hurtling towards November and Christmas - I love Christmas. I am very excited for the festive season this year and I don't even know why. I keep asking my mum if we can put the tree up on November 1st and even someone as Christmas obsessed as she is thinks I'm mad!
I finally got around to booking my flights to Birmingham for January, which I am very excited about - it only took me all of September and most of October to get my ass in to gear. I think it was due to October bringing unexpected costs to my bank balance. Owning a car is the greatest thing I have ever spent money on but paying out £350 for a service just because she is 3 does break my heart. Nevertheless, she needed to be serviced as I drive her every day, so I need her to be tip top!
Lastly for this month I carved a pumpkin - as you can see above! I have no memory of every carving one, even though my mum said I did when I was younger. This meant that I could not wait and got very excited and tried to become Picasso. I eventually came down to earth with a thump and decided on a spooky ghost who I named Belinda. She wasn't perfect but I have to admit I love her. It has also made me want to carve loads more pumpkins - again my mum thinks I am mad!
So that has been October and now we are headed into November. I plan on going back to 3 posts a week but there may be occasions when it's just two. I would like to do Blogmas but again it will depend on how I feel as Blogtober has been quite draining on my brain.
Thank-you for sticking around and if you have read every post I have put up this month I cannot thank-you enough, you are amazing!
How has your October been?