Blogtober #11 - Updated Facts About Me


me, facts, lifestyle, about me

There is something about fact posts that I really love doing. I think it's great to get to know the people behind the blogs you read. It's been a while since I popped a fact post up here . I thought that it would be fun to go through the last long fact post I did and compare what I said then to now and see if anything has changed! You can read that post here

The first thing I have to say is look at my hair in the photograph! I was such a soft blonde colour. Seems so strange to me now. I am only every bright white blonde or a silverish/purple colour these days. I can't even remember being that colour - how things change!

Old Fact: I am not a fan of eating cereal - I don't see the point
Update: I rather enjoy cereal these days. There are certain kinds I like more than others but I do tend to eat it at work quite often now.

Old Fact: I have stopped drinking Diet Coke everyday - I barely drink it anymore
Update: Well, what can I say I have started drinking Pepsi Max or Pepsi Max Cherry almost every day again. I can go without it but it's my wee treat to myself after work!

Old Fact: I don't like eggs but my mummy has gotten me to eat scrambled eggs with cheese in it
Update: I can eat scrambled eggs and omelettes now. Not plain there always has to be another flavour added but for me that's a big step!

Old Fact: I don't have a radio in my car I can only play CDs or my Ipod
Update: I now have a car with a digital radio and bluetooth so I can listen to either!

Old Fact: I have always worn a gold ring on my right hand since I was a little girl. I never take it off
Update: I had to take the ring off as it was causing funny nerve feelings in my finger. The ring now lives in my purse.

Old Fact: I have passed my car theory test twice - it expired the first time and the second time I passed both parts
Update: I have been driving for 3 years this month and have moved onto my third car.

Old Fact: I love watching a movie with a beer in my hand
Update: Not just a beer this could be a glass of wine or a g&t

Old Fact: I don't like loud wind or thunder
Update: This is mostly just loud wind now. After being in Florida during their thunderstorms, thunder doesn't bother me too much!

Old Fact: I love to fly. The longer the flight the better
Update: As long as I am in the air flying towards my destination I am fine. Not a fan of being delayed in the air or on the tarmac!

Old Fact: I have to wear insoles in my shoes to strengthen my ankles
Update: I now only wear these in my gym trainers and I have found my ankles are stronger than they used to be!!

There we have it, updates to the original 50 facts about me post. 
Seems as you get older things do change and I think that's the way it should be. We all grow and mould into the person we are meant to be!

What are some facts about you?

Getting to know you...