This year I made the decision to not make a 2018 goals list and I think it has been quite freeing actually as I haven't felt like I have had to stick to any kind of set lists. As fun as it has been I thought it would be fun to think of a few things that I could put on a potential 'bucket list' for the Autumn & Winter months.
Finish Reading My Current Book
Whilst on holiday I did something that I have been trying to do for years - 5 years to be precise - and that is finally finish reading 'Inferno' by Dan Brown. It is quite ridiculous that they managed to make and release the movie of this book - which I saw - before I even managed to finish the book. I am ashamed of myself don't worry. So now that Dan Brown has released Origins - which he did a year ago yesterday to be exact - I feel that it should be my goal to have it finished by the end of the year. If I am actually going to be able to do this I do not know but I feel that I owe it to myself to give it my best shot!
Watch Pocahontas
This sounds like such a silly one to put on here but I bought the DVD of Pocahontas on DVD quite a while ago now - possible over a year, there seems to be a theme here isn't there - and I am yet to watch it. Now don't fear I have actually seen this movie before, it was one of my favourites when I was a kid but I haven't watched the DVD copy that I have and that annoys me so I need to sit down some night soon and get it watched!
Arrange Drinks Nights With Friends
Something I love doing is spending time with my friends and I don't do it enough. I love getting together for a dinner or even a few drinks. Reminiscing about all the times we have had together and our plans for the future. It makes my heart happy to be surrounded by the people I love and there is something about the Autumn and Winter months that make me want to do this even more!
Something I love doing is spending time with my friends and I don't do it enough. I love getting together for a dinner or even a few drinks. Reminiscing about all the times we have had together and our plans for the future. It makes my heart happy to be surrounded by the people I love and there is something about the Autumn and Winter months that make me want to do this even more!
Wear More Hats
I bloody love hats! Okay, maybe I need to elaborate on this. I bloody love woolly hats, especially the ones my mummy has made me over the years! I have so many and they were all tidied away when I was sorting my room one day which makes me forget to wear them. I tend to pull one out and that does me through all the cold weather! Not this year... I am going to get them all out and wear as many as I can! Yay!
I bloody love hats! Okay, maybe I need to elaborate on this. I bloody love woolly hats, especially the ones my mummy has made me over the years! I have so many and they were all tidied away when I was sorting my room one day which makes me forget to wear them. I tend to pull one out and that does me through all the cold weather! Not this year... I am going to get them all out and wear as many as I can! Yay!
Take More Scenic Photographs
I just don't take enough photographs. Well I take lots of my dog Molly but I think I need to expand and take more scenic photographs or shots round the house at Christmas. I think it would be lovely to fill my house with photographs that I have taken or if they were good enough give some to family as presents. You can never take too many photographs... they are all memories after all!
Carve a Pumpkin
I don't remember doing this much throughout my life - maybe I did as a little kid and I just don't remember - but it's something I want to do again. I would love to carve a pumpkin and see how creative I can be. My mum loves pumpkins so she would love nothing better than filling the whole house with them!
Get Back To Zumba Class
I haven't been to a Zumba class since the first week of July or so and it's been killing me. I have had issues with an ingrowing toenail - totally disgusting, I won't mention it again - and I had to have a little bit of toenail surgery which has meant I cannot wear my trainers or workout! I have felt so lethargic since having to give up working out so I cannot wait for my six weeks to be up and my toes to be back to normal. I never thought I would miss exercise but I do!!
I think this is a pretty achievable list... no point in going overboard!
Have you got any autumn & winter bucket lists?
I also want to mention the photo I have for this post. It's a beautiful bookmark that I got from Dorkface. She's going to be having a gorgeous wee baby soon so make sure and snap up her products before she goes off to be a wonderful mumma!