What is it about Disney, it just fills you with so many feelings and that's not always being in the parks that can be simply watching a Disney movie or looking at a Disney plush toy. The world of Disney and Disney lovers just go through so many feelings.
I know this is true for myself when I visited Walt Disney World this summer. I know I have been three times before but I cannot remember how I felt then - this time was so different. From the moment I saw the 'Welcome to Walt Disney World' sign I was overcome with so many emotions.
I thought I would pull together the top five things you feel at Walt Disney World.
1. Childlike
There is no doubt about it, from the moment you enter the parks - especially Magic Kingdom - your inner child comes out. I felt giddy with excitement and I found myself leaping around and getting excited when I saw Mickey in front of the castle.
2. Amazed
Everything amazed me and I mean everything. If you want an example of this read part 1 of my Magic Kingdom story and see how I gush about car parking! There are so many things to cause amazement from the theming of each park, to the rides, the food, the snacks, the gift shops - the list is endless!
3. Joy
Well this is a pretty easy one to talk about isn't it! How can you not feel joy? My cheeks were sore from smiling so much. Even when there was rain and thunderstorms I was still smiling. Every corner of Disney World is packed full of reasons to smile, feeling joyful is inevitable.
4. Safe
This is a really big one. At no point did I feel anxious or worried about my safety. I didn't notice any over the top security measures to make me nervous in the first place but being in a place where millions people visit every year that idea would naturally be implanted in your head. However, Disney just feels like a safe, happy bubble where the biggest thing that can happen is screaming with delight on a ride.
5. Naive
This may seem like a strange one but it's honestly true. I never once looked at a character and didn't believe that's who it actually was. I thought I was flying on Peter Pan's Flight. Outside in the 'real world' I would never believe any such thing but once I was through those gates you would have gotten me to believe anything at all.
There we have it, the five feelings I had at Walt Disney World. I am sure there are many more but I thought these covered it pretty well.
What feelings do you think you would feel?