These days I don't think we take enough time to look back at the things that we are thankful for. We spend so much time rushing around, going about our daily lives but do we ever take a moment to think back over the last week about what brought us the most joy?
The things that brought me the most joy this week are:
This sounds like a strange one as my friends always bring joy to my life but last week I had the most lovely catch up with two of my closest friends. We reminisced about old times and chatted about the future. It just made me realise how lucky I am to have the friends I do!
Laughter at Work
Work for any of us can be a very stressful experience and we always have so much to do but never enough time to get it all done - sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day. That's why it's so lovely when you have genuine laughs at work. That's something I have had so much of this week. It's been so lovely to laugh my way through the days.
Coffee has become a huge part of my day both at work and at home. Not for a buzz or anything as that's not something that I get from caffeinated items in general, just the taste and the general enjoyment I get from having coffee. The main reason it has brought me joy this week is down to the fact that my manager has started making me coffee in her cafetière or French press if that's what you call it. It's such a sweet thing and really brightens up my day at work. For me it's the simple things in life that make all the difference.
I know I said in my bucket list post that I wouldn't mention my toe again but I have to tell you how happy I am with the healing process. It's got to the stage where I can wear shoes again and not just sandals and that genuinely makes me so happy. I had my doubts a few weeks ago if it was going to heal as quickly as 6 weeks but now that I am heading into week 5 of the healing process I can tell you that it most definitely will be healed and is not even that sore anymore. Hurrah!
Hair Compliments
I don't think I will ever tire of people saying how they like my hair colour. I am still rocking the purple/silver look, which in the beginning I wasn't entirely sure I had made the right choice about. A month on and I do feel like it was such a good decision and this was enforced when I was standing in a queue in the work canteen on Friday. There was a lovely man behind me who works on the same site and he said to the cashier "how amazing is her hair colour" he then turned to me and said "I have noticed it in here before and just think it's class!" Needless to say I was so chuffed I could barely manage to say thank-you but it really brightened up my day.
I have really been enjoying posting again and throwing myself into Blogtober has really been a challenge. It's not always been an easy one but it's something I am glad I have done. I am hoping to complete this month but I am already finding myself writing posts the day before they are due but at least they are being written. That's what it's all about isn't it!!
I quite enjoyed looking back over the week and thinking of the things that brought me the most joy.
How has your week been?
What would your gratitudes be?