Disney Series #9 - My Fast Pass Tips


Minnie Mouse, Minnie, Ears, Disney, Walt Disney World, Fast Pass, Tips

When you book a Walt Disney World trip the first thing that you will be thinking about after accommodation and flights are your fast passes. I have already put together a fast past fact list which you can read here. This is going to be my tips and tricks that I gathered from my last visit in August.

Before I get stuck into the tips I just want to say that the ears in my photograph have been made by my mum. She was inspired when we were in Disney and has come home and started making ears on an almost daily basis. She has so many ideas and would love to sell them if anyone was interested. If you are please get in contact - if nothing else it will prove to her she's got a talent!

Back to the fast passes. My top tips for utilising your Disney World fast passes to their maximum are:

Have A Plan
I know not everybody likes to have spreadsheets and be super organised but even if you have a lose idea of when you are going to the parks it will help you get the fast passes that you want. Now don't get me wrong you can wake up one morning of your holiday decide you are going that day and have a go at getting some of the rides - and you may be very lucky. I preferred to have a plan in place, which I was able to change around when I got there but I knew if I had a popular fast pass then it was best to hold on to it!

Are You Staying On or Off Site?
I know I mentioned this on my original fact post but if you aren't staying on site and therefore cannot book your entire trip in one go 60 days in advance it is handy to work out the days you can book when. If you are staying off property you can book your fast passes 30 days in advance but it is one day at a time. It took me quite a while with a calendar to work out which day I needed to be booking my fast passes on but it is all worth it in the end.

Tier 1 Issues
I am putting this in here as I encountered this issue in Epcot. If you book a Tier 1 ride such as Soarin' - which is what we did - then you will not be able to book another Tier 1 ride - such as Test Track - until all three fast passes have been used for that day. This counts even if you have cancelled your fast passes. Don't make the mistake I did and end up all flustered and bothered in the middle of Epcot - know this fact before you go!

Remember You Can Cancel and Rebook
If you have booked a fast past and you decide on the day that you don't want to use it then you can cancel and book another fast past of your choice in its place - as long as it doesn't clash with the above Tier 1 rule. I did this quite a bit but you have to be quick off the mark as fast passes go incredibly quickly!

You Can Use 3 Fast Passes Without Using 3 Fast Passes
When we were in Epcot we were trying to use our three fast passes so that we could book another Tier 1 ride such as Test Track. There wasn't anything in the list that we wanted to do or do again but we decided we would book Spaceship Earth as it never gets old. However, the queue was so short they didn't require you to scan your tickets for the fast pass queue. I was worried that this wouldn't actually use our third fast pass choice up for the day but it did. Don't worry if this happens to you as once your hour time slot passes you will have used all three of your first choices for the day and be able to make a further choice.

Refresh When You Are There
If there is a ride that you particularly want to do such as Flight of Passage I do recommend refreshing the app constantly in the hope that a slot becomes available. By doing this I was able to nap a Flight of Passage fast pass. Unfortunately we were unable to make use of it so I released it for others to make use of but it goes to show that if you keep trying you may get exactly what you want.

What To Do If A Fast Pass is Cancelled
Sometimes due to weather conditions or problems with the rides Disney may cancel your fast pass. They will send you notification of this but it's important to know that it doesn't mean you have missed out. You will be able to use this fast pass at another ride in the list they provide, during the time slot they tell you, just explain to a cast member what has happened and you will be able to get on.

Book Character Spots, Shows & Night Time Spectaculars 
When I was originally booking my fast passes I deliberated a lot over whether it's a good idea or not to use a fast pass on shows, meeting characters or even the night time shows like Happily Ever After. I can tell you that due to exhaustion and not wanting to rush I booked a fast past for Illuminations in Epcot and it was the best view I've ever had of it. There is a cordoned off spot for those who have booked fast passes and you aren't crammed in - just packed nicely. I would recommend using a fast pass on this if you can it really makes all the difference.

These are the tips I wish I had known when I went in August. 
Do you have any more?

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