Blogtober #29 - My Make-Up Fails - Revisited


Beauty, Make-Up, Fails, Personal, Revisit, Lifestyle

Over three years ago I wrote a post about 'My Make-Up & Beauty Fails' and I thought it would be fun to revisit the post today and see if I have managed to make any improvements on the things that I used to be so bad at!

2015: Wash My Make-Up Brushes Once A Week
2018: Okay, so I still don't do it once a week but I do wash them far more than I ever have and I usually try and spot clean foundation or cream products off my brushes. I also have lots of sponges so I can use new ones and gather the ones that need washed so they can all be washed together. A marginal improvement I would say!

2015: Throw Away Make-Up When It Goes Out of Date
2018: I am still bad at this but I am much better at having a clear out of my collection so there is a lot less of it now than there used to be - so not as much to go out of date!

2015: Using Face Masks After Taking My Make-Up Off
2018: I am just bad at using face masks in general!

2015: Use Hand Cream As Much As Possible
2018: I was very good at this after last Christmas as I was bought a lovely hand cream that I kept beside my bed but now that it's finished I never replaced it and I am back to be useless.

2015: Cleaning and Changing The Pads in My Eyelash Curlers
2018: I don't even use eyelash curlers anymore. One day I just stopped and have never started again!

2015: Taking My Make-Up Off Every Night
2018: I can finally say that I do this. I may not do a proper cleanse but my make-up always comes off - unless I am rather tipsy!

2015: Put My Re-Useable Eyelashes Back In Their Trays
2018: I cannot remember the last time I wore fake eyelashes. I usually always wear my glasses out now so I never see the point!

2015: Let Mascara Spots Dry Before Trying To Wipe Them Off
2018: I manage to get less of these mascara spots all over my eyes but when I do I always rush in to remove it - I guess I will never learn!

2015: Sharpening My Lip Liners
2018: I am much better at this I have to say. I don't wear lip liner as much as I used to but when I do I always sharpen the pencil!

2015: Not Using A Daily Moisturiser
2018: This is something that I do and I cannot believe I wasn't doing back then. I always put moisturiser on every day and I feel lost if I don't!

These are the ten make-up fails that I did back in 2015 and if there has been any improvement in 2018! Overall I feel like I have come along way - well for me anyway!

Have you any beauty or make-up fails?

A Small Improvement Is Better Than None...