Blogtober #23 - Catch Up Time


lifestyle, catch up, chat, lists, personal
It's been a while since I just sat down and had a little catch up with you - although I feel like I am always saying that. Anyway, we have made it to day 23 of Blogtober, how I have made it this far I will never know but we have and this year I am determined to keep going, I really don't want to give up now.

This is a catch up post so I think it's only right that I give you a catch up and let you know how things are going with me. I always like reading this in list form on other peoples blogs so I thought that's how I would do this.

How Am I?
I am pretty good. I am very tired but I just think that's what happens at this time of year, especially when you work a 40hour week and add travel time on top of that. Weekends aren't for relaxing as such but it's never a bad thing to be busy, especially if being busy is with your family and people you care about!

How Are Things?
Things are actually really good. My lovely Fiesta 'Elsa' - so named because her colour is Frozen White - just had her third year service and is in tip top condition. I am feeling very content at my work and overall just enjoying the weeks as they come.

Anything Interesting Going On?
Well yes I do thank-you for asking. I have a few things to look forward to. I am going on a night out with the girls from work in November, just booked flights to see my best friend from University in January and planning my best friends hen party for February. Oh and Christmas is happening somewhere in between... busy busy!

Hair Plans?
I need to ring my hairdresser to get booked in before he runs out of space and we are in the middle of next year - yes he is that popular! I am not sure what to do this time, I think I want to go back to more a silver/white blonde but I also want to try and grow my hair longer again as I have been looking back at older photographs of myself from a few years back and I miss how it used to be down to the middle of my back. Any ideas what I should do?

How's Molly Dolly?
Molly is great, I just need to keep remembering that she is not a puppy and is in fact fairly old - which makes my heart hurt a little. I am seriously considering adopting another dog so that she can have another friend running around but then I think that she might prefer her downtime with just me as she already lives with my parents three dogs. Not an easy decision!

What Have You Been Watching?
Last year I when I was watching my Brothers & Sisters DVDs I saw an advert for Dirty Sexy Money and thought it would be right up my street - I was so right. I absolutely love this series and was destroyed - not kidding - when I realised it had been cancelled after two seasons and it all ended on a massive cliff hanger! I cannot stop thinking about it, too many questions!

Any More Blog Content Planned?
Saying I have been able to keep this Blogtober thing up - so far anyway - I am hoping to do three posts a week in November and then possibly do Blogmas for December - yes I am a crazy lady! That is my plan but as we know these things can change so we will play it by ear.

How Are You?
This is more of a question for you lovely lot. I hope you are all keeping well and would love for you to let me know in the comments.

I enjoyed are little catch up - did you?

Always make time for a catch up...