Well here's a surprise, I am giving this 'Blogtober' thing a go - it even surprises me! I thought for the first post of this new series I would revisit an old post that I have written and redo it.
I first wrote a post about Why I Love Autumn back in September 2016. That's over two years ago, how is that even possible? It is definitely about time to do an updated version.
Lets get into then shall we...
1. Jumpers
Who doesn't love putting on an super cosy, warm, snuggly jumper. If you don't I feel that we may not be able to be friends - not really, I love you really! Anyway, I love when I can wear a jumper in semi-cold weather. You know that kind of weather when it's not totally freezing but it's crisp enough to need a jumper? Yeah I love that weather.
2. Moving on From Salads
Don't get me wrong I love a good salad any time of the year but there is something about autumn that makes me want soups and warming food. It's all about finding the healthy cosy alternatives - it's too cold for salad!!
3. Candles & Fairy Lights
With the dark evenings coming in I love closing the blinds, shutting out the world and putting on some gorgeous candles and lighting the room with fairy lights. Is there anything more cosy and romantic?
4. Uggs
I know people have a very love/hate relationship with Uggs but I am very firmly in the love camp. They are so easy to throw on with any outfit and my they are warm and cosy. They got me through the cold nights when I was at university and for me they are a staple in my wardrobe.
5. Strictly Come Dancing
Need I say more? Who doesn't love the glitz and the glamour of Strictly? It signals the start of Autumn for me and the run up to Christmas. I love it - it really is such an amazing show full of fun, happiness and lots of sequins. This years contestants seem to be a good bunch and I can't wait to see how they get on.
6. Woollen Hats
This for me will never change. As a chill comes into the air there is nothing else I want to do but put on a woollen hate. My mum has knit me so many over the years that my collection is huge and that's okay with me. I genuinely have a hat for every occasion! What could be better!
These are just some of the things I love about Autumn!
I would love to hear what you love - let me know down below.