Blogtober #20 - Bleach London Smoky Shampoo


Bleach London, Smoky Shampoo, Haircare, Beauty, Review

As I mentioned in my Thing's I'm Currently Loving post I changed my hair to an icy mauve colour in September - I need to get it redone soon. Hair maintenance is a huge thing for me so that I can maintain the gorgeous colours my hairdresser does for me and that means lots of different shampoos. For my new purple look my hairdresser recommended Bleach London Smoky Shampoo.

I have never tried any Bleach London products before so I thought this would be a good opportunity to review the shampoo and let you all know my thoughts.

I have only ever used purple shampoos that are meant to remove any brashness from blondes and keep them clean and white/silver. I had been advised however, that I should mix some of this in with my purple to deepen the purple shade and help it to last longer.

I have been using this product since the middle of September now and the initial thoughts that I have put together are as follows:

I try my best to buy cruelty free products as I am an animal lover and really don't believe any wee fur baby should be subjected to torture just so I can shampoo my hair. Bleach London pride themselves on being cruelty free and I like the fact that this shampoo is not only that but vegan is also a plus. 

I feel like I have used so many purple shampoos and have just become accustomed to that bright purple liquid that appears when you squeeze the shampoo bottle. I have to say however, this product is a particularly deeper shade of purple than I was expecting it to be.

One of my mums biggest pet hates is that I manage to stain absolutely everything in the bathroom - including the ceiling of the shower - with my purple shampoos. She gets very irate about the whole thing. So as you can imagine, I was thoroughly pleased, that despite this shampoo being a deeper purple shade it doesn't appear to stain products, or at least not as easily as other purple shampoos I have tried.

I have to admit I do like the products I use to have a nice smell. It just entices me to use them repeatedly. So, when I first went to use this Bleach London shampoo I unscrewed the lid and gave it a good sniff. I am very pleased to report that, it has a glorious smell. It is hard to pinpoint exactly what that smell is but all I can say is that I don't believe it will be offensive to your nose.

Compared to many other shampoos I have tried this one doesn't have an amazing lather when put on the hair. Although this sounds like it should be a negative I have to say that it's really not. Sometimes it really can be a good thing for there not to be mountains of shampoo foam sitting on top of your head when the product is intended to stay on without being washed off for up to five minutes at a time. Less lather means less chance of it running into your eyes - bonus!

The most important thing of all is that it has gone an awful long way to prolong my colour. As anyone who knows me can testify to, my roots are notorious for growing out really quickly. It's especially noticeable when I am white blonde, especially as I am rubbish at making hair appointments and go anywhere between 3 and 5 months between getting my roots done - I know I am awful! 

Stopping my roots from growing out isn't going to happen - unless I start box dying again, which I really don't think my hairdresser would appreciate too much - so when I tell you that I am very shocked that my roots are not actually their usual dark colour this time but instead a dark dirty, 'smoky' blonde-ish colour you can believe me. The purple tones in my hair are getting deeper - which I love - and the silver tones are getting more silver - which I also love.

To round up this ramble about shampoo, I want to say that I am very impressed and think I may be ditching all other brands I have tried and will be going straight for all the Bleach London products for my silver/purple/white haircare needs!

Have you tried Bleach London?
Have you tried this shampoo?

When my hair looks amazing, I feel amazing!