If you hadn't worked it out already I am a strange creature, not in a bad way or anything but I tend to either be behind the latest trends - which I love - or else I just get into things that are different to everyone else. I guess this just makes me, me and I am okay with that!
So what have I been loving lately? Well let me tell you...
1. My Hair
Okay so this isn't a new love as I always love my hair and I have only had the hair colour for a week but I am loving it... my hairdresser is a genuine hair genius. It does help that I have known him personally for years but that aside he is amazing at his job. I decided on a change but me being me didn't want it to be too drastic so Niall knew exactly what to do. I am a beautiful dusky mauve colour and I could not be more in love. Go and follow his Instagram for serious hair and decor envy!!
2. My iMac
I knew when I came back from Florida that my wee MacBook Pro just couldn't cope with everything that I wanted to do anymore. I knew that I would have to buy something newer - although second hand as I just cannot afford to go brand new just yet - and I set about doing some research. One day I was hit with a brilliant idea, I could get an iMac for the same price I was going to pay for a newer MacBook Pro and I have always wanted a place at a desk where I can sit and work away. After a few discussions with my mum and dad - their opinion always matters - I knew that I wanted it so it was ordered.
I have to tell you, sitting at a desk - my dad very generously allowed me to use his old desk - has re-ignited my love for blogging. I have been sitting tapping away on my wee wireless keyboard just loving life. Feeling so productive and it's amazing!
3. NYX Epic Ink Liner
Hallelujah I hear you cry, finally a hint of make-up around here again. After all the second part of my blog name is cosmetics. I picked this eyeliner up when I was in Florida and I do plan on doing a full review post of it soon but I couldn't leave it out here. I am in love, I have not found anything else that quite compares to this eyeliner. It just makes doing wings so simple! I never really did a wing it was always just more of a line on my top lid but now I am doing wings at 7am! Crazy? Yes it is!
4. My Job
I started my job - in another role - almost two years and 6 months ago. I came in under a temporary contract with an agency for three months and was told it could possibly be extended to 6 months. It was part-time and suited my circumstances at the time. My post then got made into a full time post within 6 months and over a year later I was still there. Fast forward to now and I am in a permanent position - with staff management!! Scary!! - and I actually feel happy and at peace. I love the people I work with and I finally feel part of something that I can grow and learn from. There are still lots of things I need to learn and get better at but you know what, that's natural. I finally feel happy with my working life and a few years ago I never thought I would get there.
5. Code Black
Are you watching this show? Have you seen it all? If not, why not? It is amazing. I am not gonna go into all the details as I will undoubtedly provide a spoiler alert but if you are into American medical dramas then you need to watch this one. It is hard hitting, gritty, full on and has some amazing characters in it. I have loved watching all three seasons but it has now been cancelled - typical! Go watch it and come back and tell me what you thought, you won't be disappointed!!
What have you been loving recently?
Let me know in the comments!