Hello there motivation, where have you been? It's nice to see that you have decided to make a comeback after all!
I thought it was about time that I sat down here and did a chatty post with you all again. Not really a catch up post as such as I did one of those recently with the Things I'm Currently Loving. This is more of a yes I'm back and no I have no idea where all the motivation and inspiration has come from.
Well that last point isn't entirely true. I have a vague idea that is has come from purchasing an iMac - a second hand one now, I am not made of money. This therefore, meant that we had to find somewhere to put it in my house and my dad has very kindly let me use his old desk.
I have to tell you it's so nice to be able to sit at a proper computer, away from the rest of the house and distractions and get on with some proper blogging. I have my notebook and a pen beside me as well as my camera and it has just sparked the creative juices. It also means that when I am exhausted and no longer in the mood I can step away, close the door and I don't feel guilty for not making an effort. Like I did with my laptop.
The strangest thing is that it's been so long since I felt so motivated to post that I don't really know how to deal with it all. My brain is going into overdrive a little but I suspect it will settle down soon. I have been making lists of upcoming content I want to create. Yes who is this girl and where has Rach gone - it even amazes me. There are even ideas for possible 'Blogtober' and even 'Blogmas'. Crazy!
With all this in mind, if there is anything you want to see on my blog be it beauty, lifestyle or canine related drop me a comment below and I can make that happen. After all you lovely lot come here to read the content so it should be interesting to you all.
So there you have it, a small chatty post to let you know that hopefully this is me back for good again. I know I have said it a hundred times but for some reason it feels different this time. I am not sticking to any real schedule but I am hoping regular posts keeping appearing on here.
Thank-you for always supporting me and being there, even if you just read the posts and leave again it still means to much to me that you have made the time to click into my crazy little blogging world.
Before I wrap this post up I thought it was important to point out that, yes, I know the photograph with this post has nothing to do with the content but I had to share my Molly wearing her NYPD collar. I say she is on patrol and keeping us safe and she always seems so unhappy when I remove it from her. I hope you love it as much as I do!
Thanks for being you!