Blogtober #16 - NYC Bucket List Vs The Reality

New York City, Bucket List, Reality, Lifestyle, Travel

So this is rather strange isn't it, talking about New York City even though it's been over a year since I went. On a side note, how has it been over a year since I was there, it feels like a dream - I think it's about time I figured out when I can go back!  Back to this post however, I thought it would be fun to compare the bucket list I wrote before I went to what I actually did when I was there.

Bucket List: Drink a proper cup of coffee from a street vendor.
Reality: All the coffee I drank was from Starbucks as there was one right below our hotel.

Bucket List: Stroll along The Highline and sample some of the lovely food that the local stallholders have to offer.
Reality: We walked all of the Highline but we had our breakfast in Chelsea Market instead.

Bucket List: Pay my respects to all those beautiful souls taken too soon at the 9/11 memorial and learn as much as I can at the 9/11 museum.
Reality: We spent a long time walking around the 9/11 memorial and museum! See my post about it here.

Bucket List: Hop on and off the subway like I've lived in the city all my life.
Reality: We did use the subway practically everyday but I can't say I feel like I have lived there all my life... yet!

Bucket List: See Carries stoop from SATC and the famous building from all those shots in Friends.
Reality: Yes I did see both and I got pictures - best day ever!!!

Bucket List: Eat a proper NYC bagel with everything in it!!
Reality: I never did have a bagel!

Bucket List: Stand and take in the views from One World Observatory, The Rockefeller Centre and The Empire State Building.
Reality: I took the views in and also took photographs!

Bucket List: Go and eat in Bubba Gump Shrimp NYC - cause why not?!?
Reality: This is where we had our dinner on the first night and it was so good!

Bucket List: Stand in the street and take in the noises around me!
Reality: I loved doing this every morning when we left our hotel.

New York City, Bucket List, Reality, Lifestyle, Travel

Bucket List: Sit in Central Park and enjoy a donut.
Reality: I did go to Central Park but I didn't eat a donut, I had a burger instead!

Bucket List: Buy an FDNY, NYPD, I <3 NYC and 9/11 hoodie - I love hoodies can you tell?
Reality: I bought an FDNY & NYPD t-shirt. I got a NYC hoodie but it doesn't say I <3 NYC! The FDNY top is from the 9/11 shop so I doubled up in this instance.

Bucket List: Shop, shop, shop tip I drop!
Reality: Well I went to Sephora three times... does that count?

Bucket List: Go on the Staten Island Ferry - even though I get motion sickness quite badly on boats!
Reality: I went on the ferry to Liberty Island and I thought I was going to die so this wasn't an option!

Bucket List: Go to as many of the 5 boroughs as possible!
Reality: I never made it outside Manhattan!

Bucket List: Have a G&T in a bar as any other time I've been to the states I've never been old enough to drink!
Reality: I had beer all week, every alcoholic drink was beer!

Bucket List: Eat a proper NYC hot dog!
Reality: I ate hot dogs that I got free with my beer in the bar we went to!

Bucket List: Go to Zabars for some freshly made bread - and it was in You've Got Mail!
Reality: We just didn't have the time to do this!

Bucket List: Share a pitcher of beer like everyone does in the movies.
Reality: I did this in the bar that How I Met Your Mother's bar was based on - McGees

Bucket List: Get some stunning photographs of the bridges such as Brooklyn Bridge.
Reality: I did see one end of the bridge but I didn't get a chance to walk over it or get any pictures!

Bucket List: Have the best time of my life and put nothing off - this is my dream after all!
Reality: I had the best time ever but I cannot wait to go back and do even more!!

There we are the things on my bucket list compared to what I actually did!
Have you been to NYC?

New York New York, So good they named it twice!

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