Nobody is perfect I think that's safe to say and we all fail at some things. Not necessarily big things or things that will affect our day-to-day lives but for me I tend to fail quite regularly in terms of make-up. There are just some things I should be doing that I don't and things I do sometimes that I should do more often. For this post I thought I would list some of those things and hopefully it will inspire me to turn my failures into things I do more often.
My Top 10 Make-Up & Beauty Fails
1. Washing my make-up brushes once a week - I always put it off and then it never happens.
2. Throwing away make-up when it goes out of date - Especially mascara.
3. Using face masks after I take my make-up off - Taking my make-up off is hassle enough!
4. Using hand cream as often as possible - I always forget and I really shouldn't.
5. Cleaning and changing the pads in my eyelash curlers - I only remember when i'm using them!
6. Taking my make-up off every night - This is my biggest fail I just can never be bothered!
7. Putting my re-usable eyelashes back in their trays so they keep their shape - They are usually left in the bottom of a handbag!
8. Letting mascara spots dry before wiping them off - I really should know better by now!
9. Sharpening my lip liners - I have a habit of cutting my lips off with blunt pencils!
10. Not using a moisturiser daily - I am useless at keeping up with daily skincare!
There we have it my top ten beauty & make-up fails. I really need to get myself sorted don't I? What are your beauty & make-up fails? Let me know in the comments below.