Given that between my parents and myself we have four dogs of varying ages and sizes, I tend to find that my friends who don't have pets, or who are simply curious tend to ask me questions about what it's like to live with them, feed them, walk them and in general what is it like to have four canine friends in my life.
With that in mind I thought I would do a top five list of what I feel you should expect when living with a dog - or in my case a pack of dogs.
1. You Will Talk To Them Like Real People
I don't know if everyone with a pet will admit this fact but I will - to us they are like humans. We talk to them like they can understand us and like the respond. We figure out our own way of understanding their responses and for us they become our closest friends, the ones we trust with any secret.
2. You Will Trip Over Toys and Bones
It doesn't matter how tidy you are or how much you try there will come a time when you trip or stumble on toys and chew bones that belong to your beloved pet. I know that with our Bentley who is now over a year old you don't have a chance of keeping the toys and bones in their allocated boxes. He likes to take them all out one by one and spread them across the room. All dogs have their own habits that you have to adjust to.
3. Summer Time Equals Hair In The Air
If your dog sheds like ours do then the summer time will become your nemesis. Hair will become air borne and will follow you around. Missy has a double coat as she is a mixture of a German-Shepherd and a Golden Retriever. Her coat comes out in clumps and every time she moves she leaves a trail of hair behind her. She is not the only culprit - all three of the others have fine black or white hairs that come out when they brush up against something or when they are petted - hair is everywhere.4. Your Attention Will Be Wanted At All Times
I'm sure all dogs vary but I know with our four especially, they require lots of attention at all times. Sometimes it can be as simple as sharing the sofa and watching TV together or giving them treats and cuddles. Whatever form it may be in it's nice to know that they are comforted by being close to us - it makes me feel good and i'm sure you will agree that it will make you feel good also.
5. Be Prepared - You Will Fall In Love
You may think you know what love is but until you are responsible for the well-being of another soul you do not realise how much love you can have for another. I know people will say it sounds like i'm talking about a child but my dogs are my children, they make everyday a little brighter and I know for a fact people don't realise how much love you will have for your pets.
What would you tell people to expect when owning a dog? Let me know in the comments below :)