My Current YouTube Obsessions


Watching YouTube videos has to be my favourite pass time these days. There are just some people who I find so comforting to watch and I usually find myself watching every vlog the person has to offer. The people making these videos are so incredibly talented and put so  much effort in to what they do I thought I would give you a quick run down of my top 5 of the moment.

1. Vivianna Does Make-Up

I have been following VDM for a while now but over the past few weeks I have developed a slight obsession with watching all of her weekly vlogs - I really cannot rate them highly enough. All of Anna's videos have a beautiful simplicity to them that makes you want to keep watching and before you know it the whole day will have passed you by.

2. Essie Button Vlogs 

If Estee herself wasn't adorable enough on her own she lives with her fabulous boyfriend and even more adorable dog Reggie. Watching this Canadian girl live her life in London never fails to make me smile. If you want to watch a very special set of people with a very special dog then I cannot recommend Essie Button Vlogs enough.

3. Lily Pebbles

Lily Pebbles for me is a recent discovery. I have heard her name around the YouTube and blogging world for years but I only recently sat up and watched/read what she had to offer - and I am so glad I did as I love her. Her weekly vlogs are fun to watch and the style of her beauty videos is captivating. I find myself patiently waiting for her next video to be posted.

4. Fleur De Vlog

Fleur is exceptionally well known around the beauty blogging and YouTube community. It is her vlogs however, that make me fall in love with her and her family. She vlogs every day for a month every other month and they are just beautiful to watch. She has 3 gorgeous dogs and a husband every girl would dream about. If you watch only one of these YouTubers I definitely suggest Fleur.

5. Amelia Liana

This girl is hilarious and knows her stuff all at the same time - how perfect could that be. She is great friends with Estee, Lily and Anna which means you get to see them hang out together in their vlogs regularly which makes for lots of fun viewing. Amelia is also a weekly vlogger, allowing us an insight into her fascinating life. 

There we have it 5 YouTubers I just can't get enough of at the moment. Who do you like to watch on YouTube? Comment down below and let me know.