Everyone Has Time For Tea, Right?


It's my opinion that everybody should have time for tea. Now I know some of you are going to immediately want to inform me that you just don't like tea and that's okay - I however, have developed what some would call an addiction to tea.

This could stem from the fact i'm Northern Irish and tea really is the solution to everything in this country or it could be simply because my mum drinks so many cups of tea in a day i'm surprised she hasn't spontaneously transformed into a cup herself.

The world of tea can be a confusing one with over 3,000 varieties spread across 6 different categories we can all get a little bit lost as to what on earth we really want to drink - Click here to discover more about each category. Even perusing the supermarket shelves for what we want can be a little overwhelming but I am here to tell you it's all worthwhile.

What Do I Like?

If i'm going to have a cup of tea it is more than likely going to be a green tea blend or a warming cup of herbal tea. If I can't get my hands on either of these - which is highly unlikely as I usually only drink tea at home - I will have a plain cup of black tea - the everyday variety. I don't take milk or sugar, yes I am weird but hey, each to their own right?

My go to teas of the moment are:

- Green Tea with Raspberry (click here)
This is my go to cup when I want something fruity yet not an entirely fruit tea. I quite enjoy a cup of green tea but I tend to like it to be flavoured just to add some interest. I rather enjoy the flavour of raspberry so I thought that this would be perfect for me and guess what I was right. It tastes great but isn't too overpowering and is just what you want from a cup of tea.

- Green Tea Boost with Lime (click here)
There have been times recently when I have not been feeling my best. I just feel that I am lacking in something and what better way to try and cure this than with a cup of tea. My biggest problem of the moment is that I have extreme tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B12 is supposed to be great for helping with these problems and that is what this tea is boosted with - pretty great eh. I also really enjoy the zingy addition of the lime. It is refreshing and wakens me up when need be. 

- Green Tea With Chai (click here)
This for me is my 'holy grail' favourite tea of the moment. It's £1.99 and can be purchased from Holland & Barrett. There is caffeine in this tea which means that I tend to drink it for that boost in the morning or when i'm feeling a little sleepy. I like the spicy blend of chai that comes with the healthy elements of the green tea. It really is the perfect blend for me.

- Red Berries (click here)
As you can probably tell there is a theme going on with the kinds of teas I prefer to drink and this one is no different. Drinking a tea made from a blend of red berries - what could be better? I enjoy the sweetness of the berries with this tea. It is a stunning red colour and just tastes great with every mouthful. There is a slight sour note from the use of cranberries but I think that this adds to the tea rather than detracting.

- Cranberry & Blood Orange (click here)
Christmas is always a time when I cannot help but feel happy. I really enjoy the festive spirit and this tea just reminds me of this wonderful season. Cranberries are such a wonderful tasting fruit with a very distinct tase and mixed with the blood orange you get an extremely unique yet gorgeously blended tea. I tend to drink this tea when I am needing reminded of something wonderful on a down day - christmas can always cheer me up.

- Peppermint (click here)
As I am sure you have worked out by now through reading my blog posts I suffer with IBS - you can have fun googling that one if you don't already know what it is. As a result I usually have terrible pains in my stomach. The best cure for this is peppermint. What better way to have it than in the form of tea - see it really can make everything better! I really enjoy peppermint tea, it is very settling both for the body and the mind and it helps me relax during those times when it all gets a little too much.

This is just a small selection of the teas that I like to enjoy on a regular basis. Tea really can bring people together and help you solve many problems in life. I don't think the day is complete without a cuppa - unless it's too hot to move then tea just makes things worse for me.

What Do You Like?

What teas are you into or drinking at the moment? Anything you think I should be trying - let me know in the comments below :)

Look Out

Keep an eye out for a post about the mugs I like to use for my tea as I am a fussy soul, that post should be coming soon.

Everyone Has Time For Tea - Right?