Sometimes You Just Need A Lazy Day!


The weekend has arrived- yay - and what better way to recharge the batteries so that you are ready for the next week, than having a really relaxing lazy day. Sometimes there really is nothing better than curling up and forgetting the busy world outside exists.

Have A Lie In

It's the weekend and if you have nowhere to go why not turn off the alarm clock, snuggle down and really recharge those batteries. There is nothing better than letting your cares melt away into your pillow and no better way to start off a relaxing lazy day.

Go For A Walk

If you've had a really long busy week, what could be better than getting out and about in the fresh air for a walk. I am lucky that I have Molly so I like to get out with her whenever I can and there really is nothing better to clear the head and make you feel alive. Molly loves it too - she loves nothing more than getting out and about with her mummy and friends. Even if you don't have a pet though I still think it's great to get your earphones on and just enjoy being at one with nature - although walking with people can be amazing too.

Meet Up With Friends For A Coffee

There are times when I look back and think, what would I have done without my friends. I am blessed to have those people in my life and spending a relaxing day with them even doing something as simple as having a coffee really could not be any more perfect. It allows you time to dissect your week go through any issues and just enjoy your lazy day off.

Time For A Binge

It's the weekend so what better time to catch up on your favourite shows. Just have a good old TV binge session. I like to enjoy these at the weekend with a chilled glass of wine but really any snacks or drinks that you love will do the trick. It gives you time to relax and enjoy yourself with no stress or worries.

Enjoy Yourself

My top tip for a lazy day is to just enjoy yourself. Don't plan stressful tasks or weigh yourself down with all the jobs you have been meaning to do. Make small lists that you can tackle at a slow pace and if it doesn't all get done that's okay - Rome wasn't built in a day.

Your Top Tips?

What are your top tips for a lazy weekend? Let me know in the comments below I always love to try new things to help me relax.

Weekends Are For Relaxation