Quick Teatime Snack


There is something so inviting about Italian food. It brings together the things that make food so special to me, it looks fabulous, smells fantastic, tastes phenomenal and the best part for is that it isn't always overly difficult to recreate at home. Recently I have been having a craving to try gnocchi again - one that didn't have a filling - and this week I finally cured it.

What is Gnocchi?

So what is gnocchi I hear you ask, well they are little dumplings usually made from potato, semolina or flour and they are usually served with a sauce - and they really are rather delicious. The type that I tried this week were potato dumplings and you can find them here.

How Do You Prepare It?

Preparing this dish really is quick and easy. Simply boil some water, put it in a pan with the gnocchi and wait three minutes until the small balls of goodness float to the top. Then we drain it and move onto sauce and toppings.

You can have it with any sauce of your choice - in the picture above I have melted butter with a little bit of sage, thyme and cheese. This is my favourite way of enjoying gnocchi as I think this mix of flavours brings out the best qualities of this dish.

What Does It Taste Like?

Delicious would be the answer to that question. It has a silky texture but isn't in any way slimy, which you could be forgiven for expecting . Taste wise I would say that it is very creamy and does not taste in anyway heavy or really like potatoes. They are little balls of lightweight airy goodness.

What's Next?

My next goal is to make my own gnocchi which I believe from everything I have read isn't too difficult at all. When I do I will write a post on the steps that I took and let you know how hard or easy it was. 

I really do enjoy Italian cuisine and even more I like re-creating the delicious dishes at home. 

What dishes do you enjoy cooking and eating? Let me know in the comments.

Food Makes Me Happy