Recently I was contacted by the lovely people over at UncommonGoods to see if I would be interested in taking a look at some of the lovely products they have on offer over at their website- especially for the festive period.
#Blogmas 2 - Keeping Your Dog Safe at Christmas
Our furry best friends, they mean the world to us. I don't know about you but there is nothing my Molly loves more than getting into mischief and this can be especially true round the festive period. There are so many things that can cause our four legged friends harm round this time of year.
#Blogmas Day 1 - Let The Festivities Begin
Okay, so it has been a very long time since a post has appeared here. I am not going to make any more excuses, there have been enough of those round here! I am just going to say that managing my time has been something I haven't been too good at. Hopefully I can change that this month - although as I am typing this post the night before it goes up at 23:44 when I should be sleeping it's hard to see!
New York City - One World Observatory
Once we had booked our trip to New York City we immediately started planning what we wanted to do. One of the main things that kept coming up was One World Observatory. It was quickly decided between the three of us that this would be one of the stops on our trip to the city that never sleeps.
Hitting Refresh...
It's so nice to be back posting again, I have been taking a little break because to be very honest I needed to hit refresh. I keep comparing myself to everyone else - yes I know I shouldn't - and when I don't match up I just get so cross at myself.
Barry M Matte Me Up Lip Kits
Thanks to one of those ever appearing Kardashian/Jenner people lip kits are all the rage. They are quite a simple idea actually, of combining the perfect lip liner and liquid lipstick in one handy little box. I don't know about you and I am aware that I could be alone in this idea but the more people clammer for an item I seem to take a step back from it!
It's Time For a Chat...
It's been a while hasn't it? I'm not just talking about since I posted but actually since I sat down and typed a chatty post to you all. Sometimes I just like to get out everything I have been feeling recently. All you lovely people who read my posts and leave me beautiful comments act like my therapists and help me see my life in a totally different perspective.
Living With a Clingy Dog
After a quick Twitter survey I have come to the conclusion that you all quite like hearing about my beautiful spaniel-cross Molly. I have written many, many posts about her which you can find in the lifestyle section of this blog - if you are so inclined to read them.
Top Tips - New York City
This post has been a long time coming - mostly because I has taken me so long to put it together since I put up my 9/11 Post. It's here now though and I thought it would be good to put together my top tips for New York City for you all.
9/11.. Never Forget
So as some of you may know - I only mentioned it once or twice - but recently I spent a week in New York City on a family holiday. When we were there one of the main things that we all wanted to do was visit the 9/11 memorial and museum. As today is the anniversary of September 11th, I thought it would be the perfect time to put a post together of my photos and thoughts from my day remembering those who lost their lives on 9/11.
Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Liquid Lip
Lip products, I don't know what it is about them but for some reason I seem to keep multiplying my collection continuously. I have so many different kinds of products to put on my lips it can be very hard to pick which one I want to wear each morning when I am doing my make-up.
A Day at The Galgorm Spa...
Somedays you just have to indulge don't you? Not everyday now but there are some days where there is nothing better than spending the day doing something completely out of the norm. My usual Friday consists of getting up early, running around the house getting myself and my lunch ready, rushing out and heading to work. Well not this Friday!
Sunday Rewind
There's so much going on in life these days between work, holiday planning, saving money and everything else in between. Sometimes, I think it's important to stop and rewind through the week to see how far you have come.
Highlighters - Too Much Fuss for Me!
The latest big beauty trend I keep seeing everywhere has to be highlighters. One day out of nowhere everyone who was anyone seemed to suddenly have highlighted cheek bones that you could see from space. I'm really not sure where this trend has come from and to be honest - it's not something I really care about either!
Owning a Dog - The Guilt
I love dogs - this is a fact which is no surprise to anybody around me! There are currently four in my family home and I want - I would go so far as to say need - more! Owning dogs is a lifestyle choice I will say that, they kind of dictate what you do on a day-to-day basis. That being said, I wouldn't have it any other way!
The Body Shop Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter - Review
Keeping It Real...
First of all I think that I should start this post with a small warning, if rambling wordy posts aren't your thing then maybe you should skip on and read some of my other content. Now onto the post itself.
L'Oreal Hydra Genius Moisturiser
Okay so I know I didn't need any new skincare but as I mentioned in 'New in My Skincare', I have been adding new bits and pieces along the way to try and make a routine that I enjoy. That coupled with the fact I am a sucker for anything new in the shops I just had to try the new L'Oreal Hydra Genius Aloe Water.
Make-Up For Beginners #9 - Base Tools
Welcome back to this wee series. It's been a while since I've posted a Make-Up For Beginners but I felt it was about time I shared some more of my top tips with you all. So here we go.. I hope you enjoy!
New In My Skincare
Ah skincare, it's something that I have such a love hate relationship with. I love how my skin feels when I complete the routine but getting the energy - especially at night - to carry it all out can be a right pain in the rear.
Sunshine and Happiness
Is there anything better than sunshine? I know for those who live in hot, sunny climates all year round that the appearance of the round golden thing in the sky isn't such a big deal. I can tell you though, for a little old girl like me from Northern Ireland, seeing the sun is practically a national event.
Garnier Micellar Gel Wash Review
If there is one thing I have to have in my beauty collection it's micellar water. It's the one product that I reach for the most as it's just so handy and has so many uses. When I saw that they had put it into a gel wash formula I got very excited, what could be better than my favourite product being in a face wash.
Sorry... Again
I think it's time that I said sorry to all you lovely people... again. I have become struck down with a serious case of bloggers guilt as I just haven't been posting. I thought the best way to get back into the swing of things would be to let you know what's been going on.
Meet Alfie
If we are connected on social media or you have been so kind to read my last dog related post you will know that we lost one of our furbabies this year. This left a rather large hole in our life, we just didn't know how to cope with three dogs. We were so used to four. There was only one thing for it - off to the shelters we went.
Lush Rub Rub Rub - Review
I have been wanting to place a Lush order for the longest time but I just never got round to it - mainly because I always found it so hard to decide what I wanted to order. Ideally, I would have wanted to go up to my local store in Belfast but unfortunately that never seemed to happen either.
Losing a Pet is Never Easy
Although this was never going to be an easy post to write, or even one that you all wanted to read, I felt that it was something that I needed to put down into words for you all. If what is written in this post can even help one of you through the loss of a pet, then it's done exactly what I wanted it to do.
25 Things For Being 25
It's been quite a while since I put up a wee post here with everything that's been going on but I thought that as today is my birthday it would be a good time to take a reflective look back at the past 25 years I have been alive and the things that I have learnt.
Top Tips For Training Your Dog - Revisited
During the migration to all things Canines and Cosmetics I managed to delete an old post of mine that I rather liked - Top Tips For Training Your Dog. I took this as a sign that I should re-write it as almost a year on I feel like I have lots more experience to offer you all.
Same Blog... New Name
First things first, welcome back everyone. My little blog was offline for a few weeks until I was happy with it again and a big part of that was changing the name. As you can see we are no longer under the name A Double Jointed Girl and Her Dog. We now go by Canines and Cosmetics!
Make-Up For Beginners #8 - Highlighters
Ah highlighter, it's that one product I have such a love hate relationship with. Some days I love it and other days I just don't see the point in it - strange I know. That being said, it is still an aspect of make-up that I feel should be covered in my beginners guide so this is what we are going to look at this week
Make-Up For Beginners #7 - Blushers
Welcome back to my 7th installment of this little series - i'm not sure how we have managed seven of these already but we have. This time around I want to delve into the world of blushers and highlighters. To some these steps aren't even necessary but it's always good to know how to use it just in case you ever take the notion.
Weekend Relaxation
Yay, it's the weekend!! After a 50 hour week - that's two hours commuting a day added to a normal 9-5 job I am very happy to have made it to the weekend and it's time for some relaxation.
L'Occtaine Milk Concentrate Body Cream
L'Occtaine is a brand that I have dabbled in before. Mostly these products have been one's that you would use in the shower but this time I branched out into the world of skincare.
Make-Up For Beginners #6 - Bronzers
For my next installment in my Make-Up For Beginners Guide, I wanted to talk to you about bronzers. I know that when it comes to this particular make-up area even to this day I still find it confusing. I am in no way a make-up newbie but bronzers can be very confusing. Hopefully at the end of this post it will all make a little more sense.
DVDs I Got For Christmas - Part Two
Okay, so I know that Christmas is now very much a distant memory but after writing part one of these DVD posts a couple of weeks ago I knew I had to keep going until I had shown you all the lovely DVDs I was gifted this year.
Make-Up For Beginners #5 - Powders
For my next installment in my Make-Up For Beginners, I have decided to concentrate on the world of settings powders. There are so many options out there and trends flying about the social media world it can be hard to get a handle on what you really need, or what you should be doing.
Urban Decay - Comfort Matte Vice Lipstick
Last Friday I popped up a little review of the Urban Decay Ultimate Basics Palette which I very kindly got for Christmas. This week I am going to review the Urban Decay lipstick that I also got for Christmas. I know two reviews of the same brand in two weeks seems like over kill - case and point my Estee Lauder obsession - but I have to let you all know when I fall in love with a product!
My Current Morning Skincare Routine
Ah skincare, it really is the one thing that I have such a strange relationship with. Sometimes I get really in to it all and just can't wait to do it everyday. On the other hand, there are times when the last thing on this earth, I want to do is a skincare routine.
Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics Palette
I have decided that Friday's are now going to be the day where I review the products that I have been loving recently and I just had to kick it all off with the one palette that I cannot stop myself from using almost every single day!
2017 Blogging Goals
As I said in my first goal post of the year - which you can read here - I have decided to split them up into various posts. This is the next one I wanted to write and it's all about my 2017 Blogging Goals.
Make-Up For Beginners #2 - Primers
For my second post in this series - you can read my first post here - I thought I would take a closer look at primers.