2017 Personal Goals


Goals, Personal, Lists, New Year, Hopes, Resolutions

Continuing on from my previous goal posts - workout and blogging - it's about time that I told you what personal goals I have for the incoming year.

Personal goals are always quite a tricky thing, In general I am pretty happy with my life and overall lifestyle but I do believe there are always areas that I should aim to improve upon. The goals I have laid out below will hopefully help me along my way to doing that.

Lets get personal!

1. Eat More Healthily
This specific point has three sub points which are:
    • Eat less junk food
    • Drink more water
    • Reduce my sugar intake during weekdays
I am fully prepared to admit that since I started working full time my eating has gradually got worse and worse. I tend to not bother to bring anything with me and just waste my money on anything I can find in the canteen - which isn't always healthy. This has gradually been making me feel worse and worse about my body and I have decided that this is the year I am going to change it. 

2. Meal Prep
Again, another food related one but I want to have my meals prepped and ready to go so that i'm not scrabbling around at 6:30 in the morning trying to decide what it is I want to eat - it doesn't always end well!

3. Save More
I have made it pretty well known that I want to buy a house - scary I know. The only way to be able to do this is to save my pennies. I have always been quite good at saving but I want to be able to save even further by really cutting out the things that I just don't need to spend money on.

4. Adopt Another Dog
I don't really know if this is going to happen but I would love to adopt another dog. Molly might not be too impressed that she has to share me but I really want to share the love I have with as many canines as possible.

5. Take My Mum To London
As you may know from this previous post my beautiful mum turned 50 this year and I think this is a birthday that needs a serious amount of celebrating. My mum has always wanted to see Les Miserables in London so this year I am hoping to take her to fulfill that dream.

6. Watch All The DVDs I Own That I Haven't Watched Yet
It's quite a weird thing to admit this but there are quite a few DVDs in my extensive collection that I have never watched. This year I am going to change this and make sure they are all watched!

7. Learn To Do Gel Extensions
I love doing my own gel nails, I can find it therapeutic if i'm honest but for me there are always areas that I want to improve on. I am fascinated by gel extensions and I really want to be able to do them myself.

8. Go On A Sunny Holiday
I haven't been away on a sunny holiday for a very long time. This is something that I really want to do this year, whether it be with friends or family. Sun is needed badly!

9. Plan Out and Use My Bullet Journal
My bullet journal is something that I failed at last year - post about this to come. This year I want to plan out my journal better, find a better notebook and in general just give it a much better go.

10. Socialise More
This one is kind of out of my control as it depends on who is available but I would really love to go out and about and see people more. I can spend a lot of time alone or in my house - not really a good way to be.

I am quite happy with the goals that I have for this year - whether I keep them or not will be another story.

Have you any goals for this year?

We can but try, can't we?