Okay, so I know that Christmas is now very much a distant memory but after writing part one of these DVD posts a couple of weeks ago I knew I had to keep going until I had shown you all the lovely DVDs I was gifted this year.
If these aren't the kinds of posts you are interested in then i'm sorry but I love reading about peoples media collections so I hope you enjoy the small glimpse into mine.
Transporter Triology
As of yet I still haven't gotten around to watching these but my mum knows how much of a fan of Jason Statham I am. I like to collect his movies and I am very much looking forward to watching these movies with a big bag of popcorn.
Men In Black 3
I'm not sure if you have picked this trend up but I love to complete collections of movies and series. I already owned the first two Men in Black and if we're honest, who doesn't just love a good Will Smith movie - I know I do. This one is no different, it is full of the usual Will Smith charm and it really does round of the Men in Black story perfectly. I highly recommend this one!
Transformers: Age of Extinction
Following on from what I have said before this is another addition to a movie series that I have been collecting. It again is on my to be watched list - which is growing at an exponential rate everyday - but as it's a Transformers movie and has Mark Wahlberg - I am a huge fan of both Donne and Mark - I know I am going to love it!
Mr and Mrs Smith
There is very little not to be loved about this movie. It can be quite light hearted at times but at the bottom of it all it's just a good out and out action movie. The story line is quite simple and easy to follow and I don't think it should be any more than it is. It's the kind of movie you can stick on when you've had a difficult day or just want to watch something without having to really concentrate.
Orange Is The New Black
I think by now the dog and it's mother knows what OITNB is and why not? It's one of the best shows to come out in recent years. It has everything you would want, it will make you laugh and in the next breath it will make you cry. I love everything about the show and am very glad to have been bought it. I know it seems strange to buy a show that is on a streaming service but I am just one of those people who likes to have things on DVD.
Have you seen any of these? Which would you recommend?